Tuesday, 1 June 2010

How to fill three days off.

An apology, again, for being a bad blogger. I try to post at least twice a week, but lately life has been getting in the way. However, the next couple of weeks look set to be a lot quieter, and I am full of posts to share with you. So you'll probably be sick of me and my babblings before long.

Anyway. I hope everyone had a good bank holiday! I seemed to pack an amazing amount into just three days.

I started the weekend at the seaside in Poole, where it rained a LOT... and I never actually got to see the sea. But I did see a lake! And a swan!

I then went to a party, where my friend Marika laid on an amaaaazing spread. I am seriously so jealous of her cupcake decorating skills.

Plus, Eurovision! An annual event, my friends and I watch the show, say many, many HILARIOUS things and fill in our scoresheets. Adding, of course, a column for hotness.

On Sunday I saw my family, and we had a barbeque by the river. Lush.

Then, friends and drinkies in a beer garden. Hurrah.

Finally, yesterday I went to a car boot sale, where I picked up a couple of small but lovely finds...

...then headed to the shops, where I picked up a couple more lovely things. The dress is from Dorothy Perkins (£17 in the sale). I've been eyeing it for a while, but only just found it in my size.

And the bag is from New Look, £18 (£14.40 with their 20% off voucher). I've had a major satchel fetish for a long time now, and this spacious little baby will be perfect for festival season.

I even managed to tidy my room! I actually feel quite proud.

Next week, I'm not being sent anywhere for work, so I'll be about a lot which means I can catch up on all your lovely blogs. I'm also finally getting that long awaited haircut. Yay!


  1. I absolutely love your photographs. And :O more amazing carbooty goodies?! *slaps wrist* I will get myself to one soon :3 Finally, that bag is lovely, I can't believe it's high street! XO

  2. oh wow, those photographs are gorgeous! hehe, your hotness column is very cute. x)
    i'm super jealous of your alice in wonderland framed picture, too! :) x

  3. Ooh the satchel is lovely.

    I'm very impressed with your friend's hosting skills. All that food looks utterly scrumptious!

    Do I spy Chambord in the back of one of the photos? Mmmmm!

  4. What do you use to edit your pictures? Absolutely gorgeous! Mmm, I love crabbies ginger beer :) Looks like you have been a busy lady! x

  5. Thankyouthankyouthankyou for bringing to my attention that gorgeous New Look satchel. I, too, have been keeping an eye out for a perfectly ideal one, to no avail until right now.

    You suit that Dotty P's dress so well, I'm glad you finally found it in your size :]

  6. Oh My goodness! That owl is to dieeee for!

  7. Looks like you've had a perfect Bank Holiday weekend :)

    You got some lovely buys there - I'm extremely jealous of your new New Look bag - I've had my eye on that for AGES, but I couldn't decide what colour to get, because I loved them all, so I ended up with none :( I actually blogged about it a while ago. £18 is also a bit out of my budget, seeing as I have about 500 bags anyway!


  8. New Look? No way! It's amazing! I want one. x

  9. That bag is fab, I may have to have a hunt around for that. Have seen that DP dress too and love it, what a good price too!

    Lucy (http://sleepingwithseclusion.blogspot.com)

  10. Awww how cute is that little owl?! Fab find and yay for alcoholic ginger beer!! :D

  11. Aww it sounds like you've been having a fantastic time recently :)

  12. i wish id had a eurovision party this year.. it was fabulous! That starry punch is great! :)

  13. I love that bag! So good for new look.

    And oh my gosh the Alice prints! I would die if I found those at a car boot, you lucky thing!

    Thank you for the tips about tripods, any idea where to get good cheap ones from? I've only looked in Argos so far! And definitely want a remote too! :D

    And thank you for comment about the career thing too, I just panic that I'll never do what I want to do, but I'm gonna sort my life out this year! xx

  14. Mmm, those cupcakes look delicious!

  15. I'm in awe of your wonderful photographic skills (and your thrifty buys).
    Good luck with the hair cut!

  16. I love this satchel bag!!! fab cupcakes!! :) x


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