Friday 5 November 2010

I knew for sure there was nothing left except the vodka on your breath.

Last weekend I went out dancing for the first time in forever. All day I was expecting it to be called off, and had kind of talked myself out of it. But suddenly it was happening, so I tackled my hair, threw on some makeup and pulled a dress out of my wardrobe at random.

Although this dress is a couple of months old, it still had the tags on. This always makes me feel like a crazy shopaholic. It was in the sale though, so it's okay, right? RIGHT? (Judging by the fact that this feature is based on me having over 50 dresses, it's not okay, is it.)

I already have this in black, so nabbed the spotty version as soon as I saw it, knowing it was a flattering little number. It's one of those cuts that suits most girls - pulls you in at the waist whilst hiding your hips, and I love how the back jazzes it up a bit too.

Dress: New Look
Shoes: Primark
Necklace: Accessorize (still in store and SO CUTE ELEPHANT OMG)

However, the heart cut-out is in such an irritating position. It looks dreadful with your bra cutting across the middle, so I end up dislocating my shoulder to pull the strap down and safety pin it to the dress to keep it in place. Somehow I managed to once do this single-handedly - luckily every other time I've had a friend on hand to help!

These pictures make me wish I gave myself enough time in the morning to PROPERLY straighten my hair. It looks so shiny and healthy! I'd deep conditioned it that morning (thanks, 3 Minute Miracle!) and it repaid me by looking awesome well into the next morning.

When I was still up.



  1. You look absolutely lovely!!

  2. You look blummin' glorious, lovely!

    The shape of that dress is so perfect... DEFININTELY worth it.

  3. the shape of the dress is beyond perfect on you

    and omg squeeee cutie necklace.

  4. You have 50 dresses? Do you have a walk-in wardrobe?

  5. Awww its a lovely dress, the heart cut out is so pretty! xxx

  6. This dress is SO FLATTERING ON YOU. (Capitals latter needed for EMPHASIS.) SO. FLATTERING. I love it!

    P.S. Hate that thing about the cut-out/bra strap, too. I need a bra!


  7. Hello darrrlin - lovely meeting you last night! Looking amazing in that dress :)

    Keri xx

  8. You look gorgeous!

  9. you look great girly :) xxx

  10. That dress is soooo cute!
    I love the polka dots and that heart shape in the back is so pretty!

  11. Most gorgeous dress ever! It looks great on you!


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