Friday, 12 November 2010

My lover stands on golden sand, and watches the ships that go sailing.

Were you getting bored of endless shots of my radiator? I thought I'd take Friday Frocks on location this week, to not-so-sunny Exmouth.

I took a week off and visited the West Country a couple of weeks ago to hang out with my lovely friend Pam (featured below) and Hayley. We took a daytrip to Exmouth to relive some old times - Pam and I went to uni there, so this cheesy little seaside town holds some good memories for us. It was a lush day - the weather was somewhat mixed but we pranced about on the beach, played in the arcade and finished up with cocktails.

And, of course, we squeezed in a little photoshoot. I picked up this dress in the Debenhams sale a couple of months ago (if I read back through my outfit posts, it's striking how many of my clothes were bought in the sale. I think this is how I justify my addiction...). It's a good style and length - one that I've worn to work, for daytime dressing and even out partying. It sits in the 'occasions' section of my wardrobe that most other girls would place 'jeans-and-a-nice-top'.

Pam took these photos for me, and as soon as I relinquished control of the camera I realised how incredibly awkward it made me feel. So, not as poised as usual, but who wants poised all the time?

Dress: Red Herring at Debenhams
Boots & Gloves: New Look
Coat: Primark
Hat: Topshop
Necklace: Dorothy Perkins

Also, check this out. Ever wondered what a rainstorm looks like from the other side of the water?



  1. Oooh that is a pretty little dress.

    That last photo is AMAZING!!! I have never seen that before. 'Photograph a rainstorm from the other side of the water' is now on my 'do before I die' list.

  2. A day on the beach followed by cocktails?! Sounds amazing...regardless of the rainstorm!


  3. Love that dress, I always find that Red Herring have looooads of decent stuff in sales! Adore the pictures of you jumping in the sand :)

  4. Apparently there's a great big Debenhams sale on this weekend... Not that I'm encouraging you to buy more dresses of course.

    This one is absolutely gorgeous and the photos are fab. You all look like you're having so much fun and it's lovely to see :)

  5. Gorgeous photos! Love that dress :) Looks like it was a lovely day! xx

  6. awesome pics! I work in Exeter! and live about 20 misn outside :D xx

  7. Love the last photo of you (after jumping), gorgeous!

  8. Love that dress,

    and the rainstorm photo..incredible.

  9. These photos are gorgeous! I love the dress and you look absolutely adorable in these pictures!

  10. I love these photos. They capture your trip perfectly! x


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