Sunday, 28 November 2010

I'm bored of cheap and cheerful, I want expensive sadness.

This week, there have been lots of reasons to be cheerful. From curling up on a cold day with a good book... receiving a batch of my favourite magazines through the post...

I found out my shiny new computer is (sort of) on its way...

...and got my equally shiny new business cards.

New boots made me happy...

...and I got in arty mode for the first time in ages... did my niece.

I dyed my hair a super crazy bright red...

...but the moment that made me smile most this week was putting on last year's coat for the first time since January and discovering my favourite necklace. I've been mourning it all year and thought it was lost forever. Magical.



  1. Oooh the new Lula cover looks so good! Mine is waiting for me at home... just another week to wait. Your business cards look v. profesh ;) Sounds like you had a sweeet week! xxx

  2. Your business cards look great & the new boots are lovely!


  3. It's such a good ting to notethe moments tht make us smile - they pass far too quickly!!!

    Loving your cards, re-found treasure and your new hair :)

    Off to do mine in a mo ;)


  4. Pretty photos! Is the new Lula any good? I've read a few complaints and not sure whether to shell out?!

  5. Love those boots! Oooh, finding your necklace again... just like Carrie in SATC! Shame it wasn't in the lining of a Prada bag though, eh? ;) xx

  6. There is something about the cold weather that makes reading more fun. I soent all morning in bed finishing my book, it was wonderful x

  7. Hurrah for finding your favourite necklace!

  8. AGH! Where is my Lula! It should have been delivered to me this weekend damnit! Love all these things, and yay for you drawing again!

  9. Lots of reasons to smile! :) the only reading I do is blogs, I wish I could read a book from start to finish, or find a magazine that i REALLY liked, but my brain just cant focus on either for long enough! :(

    love finding something that you thought was long gone... that happened to me with a lady luck brooch with my name on it, which I couldnt have replaced because she has stopped making them. so when I found it again 6 months later pinned to a shirt I hadnt worn in all that time... I was so happy! :) xx

  10. I love those brown boots, been thinking about investing in some brown pixie boots. I keep buying brown clothes but have to wear pumps and my feet are beginning to suffer. Its far too cold here!
    Also everyone keeps mentioning the magazine Lula on the blogs ive been reading. Im intriged it is just a fashion magazine like Vogie or does it have in depth articles in it? The pictures always look so pretty!

  11. Sounds lovely! I'd love to see some of your drawings :)

  12. Im pretty jealous of your Lula, ever since Borders closed I've struggled to get it!

  13. Huzzah for rediscovering the necklace!

    The business cards look great - did you design them yourself?

  14. I've just found your blog from DaisyButter and I love it, following!
    I've recently opened a blog shop so maybe take a look if you're interested.

  15. Those cards are gorg, and I want pics of the hair!!

  16. Well Anonymous doesn't know what they are talking about, that's for sure! I lost one of my favourite pieces of jewellery and found it when I went to uni which really cheered me up :) Your business cards are also ADORABLE! :)

    Maria xxx

  17. I really think leaving mean comments on someone's blog is the work of a total and utter idiot! If you dislike this blog so much, Anonymous, why read it? If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!

  18. I can't believe people take the time out of their obviously dull lives to leave such vicious comments. You are far from being an idiot, your blog is a pleasure to read and you look gorgeous in every outfit you wear :)

  19. What the hell is your problem, anonymous? If you don't like my blog, don't read it.

    I have NEVER claimed to be skinny. I am proud of my curves and dress to show them off because I'd rather that than hide in a sack. If your idea of fun is leaving comments like this on blogs and hiding behind an anonymous moniker then you need to take a serious look at yourself. Maybe I'm boring and fat but you are a DICK and people probably hate you within five minutes of meeting you.

    In short: fuck you.


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