Friday, 31 May 2013

Summer nights.

I know it's Friday and we are already looking forward to the next weekend but wasn't the Bank Holiday glorious? I can't get my head around this freezing little country of ours giving us sunshine exactly when we wanted it. That just doesn't happen! On Sunday, the air was rich with the smell of scorched meat and the sschhhhh of beer cans opening. There's something a little bit glorious about the country uniting in a love of barbeques.

So, yeah, on Sunday I headed off to a barbeque, as it seemed like the thing to do. I filled my belly with burgers, sausages and wine... oh, so much wine. And also, jumped at the chance to dress all summery for once. Legs out and all. I never get why some girls are all like 'Gosh, I couldn't possibly get my legs out, they are so white!' Just embrace being ghostly! I sure do. My legs are incredibly white, yes. But so is the rest of me, and that's fine.

I didn't think of this as a very summery dress when I first got it, but after I wore pretty much this exact outfit to the Pinterest party a couple of weeks ago, I'm a little bit taken with it. These glittery shoes have sat on my shelf ever since I wore them at my birthday party, but now I'm like 'Glittery shoes are not just for birthdays, Sarah!' and so now they are my summer pumps of choice. SPARKLY.

This weekend is going to be quiet. After eating and drinking all the things last weekend, my body is crying out for a detox. It could really do with a weekend off before next weekend's wedding, which looks spectacularly boozy. Spectacularly.

Dress c/o Lovestruck
Belt - Accessorize
Sunglasses - H&M
Ballet Pumps - Oasis


  1. Oh gosh Sarah, I LOVE your shoes. Like seriously, love, maybe more than Taylor Swift. I wish I'd gone to a barbeque last weekend, alas I was too lazy to move from my garden/house/sofa... The dress looks dreamy on you too! x

  2. your hair looks b-e-a-utiful!
    lovely entire outfit :D
    i really enjoyed the bank holiday, im glad you did too :)

    Rosie xo
    A Pocketful of Rosie

  3. I love this dress, and the shoooooes! I'm still a bit shy about showing off my white than white legs, I get so much teasing about them, (do they glow in the dark etc.), so I use a tanning cream to give them some colour.

    By the way, you've done really well with WW, (green eyes). X

  4. Love this frock on you lady! Definitely got me thinking about holibobs :) xx

  5. I really love your hair here, it is looking gorgeous!

    Maria xxx

  6. Your dress is so pretty, I love the print! Those shoes are amazing too


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