Friday 17 January 2014

Friday Frocks #147 - Every beautiful thought's been already sung

So, I tried on this dress in Urban Outfitters in NYC, and was like 'Colour? Good. Print? Good. Material? Good. Neckline? BAAAAD.' Here is an illustration of how I felt about the neckline.

There are some things that I learned at a very young age and this is one of them - girls with boobs do not look good in a high neck. I'm really sorry if you're clutching your poloneck to your double Ds right now, wailing 'But I love it!' Look darling, I'm not going to tell you what to wear, so if you still want to wear it, you should wear it. But a v-neck or a scoop neck would look a thousand times better. I'm right about this. One day you'll accept it.

Like many busty girls, I constantly wish mine were smaller. And a dress like this makes them look double the size - not my desired effect. But what do you do when you like everything about a dress except the unflattering neckline and don't do sewing? You utilise that wasted keyhole detail at the back and you turn that baby round. Check it out!

Shoes - Office (old)
Cardigan - Debenhams
Necklace - Accessorize
Tights - Primark

Seriously, how much better does it look? My boobs are an acceptable size, I'm not making that weird face - suddenly this dress is a winner! I matchy-matched the heck out of this dress because I love a bit of matchy-matching. The shoes were an old sale bargain from Office (but you can get these similar shoes from Peter Hahn!) and even though they're a year old, I have somehow never worn them before. I don't know how, because they are amazeballs and oh, with the matchy-matching. MATCHING. I love some matching. It's come back around, too! I read it on the Cosmo website. Eventually, if you hold onto a trend stubbornly enough, it'll always come back around. I'm ignoring what they're saying about berets being passe. THEY'LL COME BACK AROUND.



  1. This look is super cute - I love the matchy matchiness. I've got a blue printed dress to wear to a wedding and totally didn't think to pair it with blue tights - I am now on a mission to find the right shade!

    Also, you are a genius. I have often bemoaned a high neck, this may be the future answer to my prayers!

  2. this is a genius idea! the dress looks soooo good that way round, and looking at the pics I would have honestly thought you had it tailored.

  3. Oooh! That shade of blue is perfect on you! Looking gorgeous, as ever...

  4. Love this post - such a good idea! The idea of wearing a polo neck or anything high necked makes me freak out a bit, haha. x

  5. Love the matchy-matchy look - I really like that idea of taking one colour and then using lots of different shades of it in an outfit. Also loving that you customised the dress yourself using the keyhole, I take my dresses to get the necklines changed quite a lot but I would never have thought of doing that!

    And it seems even the fashion magazines don't agree with each other - Company this month said berets were back in... *confused puppy face*

  6. This dress is gorgeous, you would never know it was round the other way! Matchy matchy is ALWAYS the way to go, I love finding things that completely go!

    Maria xxx

  7. I've lost count of the dresses I've worn backwards because of the high neckline. One day maybe they'll learn! :) x

  8. Oh you clever one! You look amazing here Sarah, post-dress turning (: and also - Selena Gomez.

  9. Wearing it backwards makes a hell of a difference - good idea! x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life


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