Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Out with the old, in with the new.

Last year, I didn't make official resolutions. I'd had a fabulous year full of parties and excess, and I didn't want to beat myself up about it and regret any of it, but I felt terrible and needed to start living a little healthier. I finish the year two stone lighter, but feeling rather like I should be making that promise to myself again! After America and then Christmas party season, my body is crying out for salad.

2013 was one of those years that vanished in a flash, but going through my blog, I did a lot. Five weddings, two trips abroad, countless minibreaks and an awful lot of fun. I had a great time, and I was happy, and I consider that a win.

2014 may be a little less adventurous - I'm going to be living back at my parents' house, trying to save a lot of money so I can buy a place of my own in 2015. I feel pretty positive about it though. Even though I may have a bit less freedom, I'm looking forward to making the most out of the scenic local area for outfit photos and spending more time blogging, writing and reading. At the same time though, I feel like I should try and venture beyond my comfort zones and meet more new people. But we shall see.

In my round-up post last year, I promised to do a longer list of achievable resolutions (rather than a handful of big 'uns) along the lines of my 30 Before 30, and then I kind of forgot. But not this year! Here are 14 things I want to do in 2014:

1. Read 50 books
2. Keep eating healthily and cooking from scratch
3. Lose another stone and exercise more
4. Implement a proper skin routine and start using an eye cream
5. Reconnect with friends I haven't seen in a while
6. Visit Easdale again
7. Empty my eBay box
8. Start writing fiction again and actually finish something
9. Be more experimental with makeup
10. Buy a new camera
11. Read more new blogs and comment more often
12. Give up Diet Coke
13. Pay off my overdraft and credit cards
14. Reach my mortgage savings target

15. Break in my Doc Martens
16. Choose 3 charities and donate to them every month.

(I know this is more than 14. It was 14 when the post went up, but then I thought of more things!)

Some of them are rather sensible (um, mortgage?) but I don't think any of them are unrealistic. Let's see where I am in a year...



  1. Happy new year! Best of luck in 2014.
    I recently made a friend who resembled you a bit in both face and spirit. :)

  2. great way to summarise 2013 :) you look great by the way, you can see how much weight you've lost since the beginning of last year! xx

    Jade | Beauty Butterfly Blog

  3. Looks like you've had a great year - congratulations on the weight loss! I'm with you on giving up Diet Coke and trying to read more books in 2014...x

  4. Happy new year! #TeamNorbury reunion soon?

    Maria xxx


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