Monday 17 January 2011

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.

Buying a new diary is one of those rituals for me that's either painless or painstaking. Last year, I found a gorgeous diary in Paperchase that I fell in love with instantly - I think I bought it in October! This year, though, I didn't find any that I liked, and thought about just settling for a simple one but... I'm not like that. I figure, a diary has to last all year, and so it might as well be pretty.

Anyway, I scoured the internet, fell madly in love with the Frankie diary as featured by Carrie but refused to pay £30+ for it on eBay (although I think this is a great idea - I wish Lula, Oh Comely, ASOS and Topshop would produce diaries!), and then, in my travels, found the Illustration Now diary. I pondered a bit, but in the end I couldn't resist and picked it up from eBay.

I love it, and it's perfect for me. As I've mentioned, I'm really trying to get back in touch with my arty side this year, so having beautiful illustrations to look at every week should get the inspiration flowing.

And of course, I put the most important date in first. ;)



  1. I love that songs!!

    What a greta diary, nice pictures! xx

  2. RENT! :) Check us musical geeks out. Love that song too, and oh my that is a very pretty diary! Glad you finally found 'the one' :) its a pretty satisfying feeling eh! xx

  3. Wow, it's so pretty! I love my traditional moleskine, but I do love a diary with beautiful pictures too. is definitely my favourite so far!

    Maybe you can do enough art to make your own one next year!

  4. Oh I'm so glad you bought this! It matches the book perfectly :)

    (p.s I haven't posted yet because work has been manic but it's going out in the next couple of days! ) xx

  5. loving your nail varnish... black with a sparkle... awesome!


  6. Oh wow, that's quite something.

    I absolutely have to have a Paperblanks diary and was v. chuffed to find a gorgeous green one on sale this year. My favourite colour and 20% off, perfect!

  7. That diary is gorgeous.
    I always spend ages choosing a diary for the year - my mum finds it really annoying but I think it's such an important purchase as you use it every single day. I got mine from Paperchase this year but next year I'll definitely search around for something a little different. x

  8. When you posted about this on twitter I immediately googled it and fell in love. So nice to see more pictures inside - it's such a gorgeous diary...perfect for daily inspiration!


  9. Lovely :) Diaries are really best given as a present aren't they - they seem to fall into 'special treat' territory since it feels so indulgent to spend much money on one. x

  10. Oh it's so lovely!! I still haven't found the right diary for me yet... I may hurry up lol or it will be nearly December again!

  11. The artwork is awesome. I would love to have a diary notebook like that.

  12. I haven't got a diary yet this year - I bought one last week (only a pretty cheap one, I was seduced by the 50% discount!), but when I got home & started writing in it, I noticed that past April, all the months were in the wrong order - no word of a lie!

    Moral of the story - don't buy cheap diaries.

    Btw, I took it back. I don't care how cheap it was, if I can't actually use it as a diary, it's not worth it!

  13. Its almost too pretty to write in! Such lovely pictures!

  14. Wow, that's gorgeous! I fell in love with a similar one in Paperchase this year, but already had my trusty Moleskine. Plus, I'm too much of a perfectionist & would be worrying about making mistakes in something so pretty! My sister bought me a gorgeous diary from M&S for this year, which I'm still to use. It's a day to a page, so it's got to be something creative.... Hmmm.

  15. I think it's beautiful! I'm SO FUSSY when it comes to diaries. Last year I finally gave in and bought one at the beginning of November because I keep forgetting things. Mine is white and grey and cranberry and pure and simple from Muji. And it has squared paper - my favourite - next to the week date pages! I am a creature of habit and can see myself buying this every year.

    P.S. Thanks for putting that song in my head now, you wench!


  16. I have been trying to find a diary I like, but all the pretty ones have sold out. I'm thinking about just using my iPhone this year...

    However your diary is utterly beautiful, and I am very jealous of it.


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