Wednesday, 26 January 2011

We left our love in our summer skin.

One of my biggest rants is finding a good cardigan. As I wear dresses most of the time, in the winter they're pretty much always teamed with a cardi, so I'm a tad obsessive about them.

I've complained before about round necks - they JUST don't suit me. I think it's a body shape issue - they seem to hide my waist and make me look boxy. Yuck. The other readily available option is long cardigans. My snake-hipped sister is a fan, but on me they hug my hips and bum and basically enhance all the bits that I normally choose clothes to skim! And cropped cardigans make my top half look crazy short. If you're not guessing by now, I'm a LITTLE picky.

Anyway, normal length v-neck cardigans are ridiculously hard to find for such a basic item! So when my lovely friend Anne told me she'd found a black one in Debenhams recently, I stalked it. And found it in lots of other colours! RESULT. I even replaced my much lamented and lost grey cardigan.

And next payday, I'm heading back to Debbo's for the blue and pink ones. Good cardigans are hard to find... I might even buy a second black one. Just in case.


  1. Haha I am the same with cardigans! Long ones just don't suit me because I'm too short. I'm also fussy with long sleeve cardigans. The perfect cardigan is v-neck, 3/4 sleeves and RED! I only own one of these though from m&s. Those debenhams ones look PERFECT though, getting my arse down there asap...

  2. I love cardigans, but it's so hard to find a decent one anywhere :(

  3. I'm super-fussy about cardigans too. It should be so simple to find a decent one but sadly that's not the case..these ones look fab, great range of colours too. Definitely heading to Debenhams to check these out - thanks for sharing! x

  4. I'm exactly the same with cardigans! I don't like clingy cardigans... ones that are too big... they have to be V-neck buttoned up... I. Am. Fussy. I love the look of these, it looks like Debenhams have some lovely pieces in at the moment! xx

  5. Loving these- I live in cardigans, I like my long ones open, but these look to have 3/4 sleeves! SCORE! Am I the only person to live with their sleeves pushed up?

  6. I have the exact same problem! All this time I've spent wearing sub-par cardies...I may take your tip and head to Debenhams! xx

  7. Glad you found ones you like! D'ya know I hardly have any cardigans - but I don't have any sense of style - jeans and a zippy top are my basic wardrobe!! AM getting inspiration from all you lovely fashionistas though..!

  8. I am exactly the same! H&M have some fab V neck cardis in at the minute :D x

  9. I love cardigans! Especially with cute dresses! xx

  10. You can never have two many black cardigans, buy another one! I have three, just in case! Haha!

  11. sounds sensible to me, if you find something you like then get a couple!

  12. I wish I was a bit fussier about cardigans - maybe then I wouldn't have quite so many!

    Well done on finding your perfect one. I totally understand the 'buy it in every colour' feeling :)

  13. Your cardi issues are exactly the same as mine save that I just don't like round neck cardi's. Long cardi's just get on my nerves cos there are so many of them around and they just cling to all the wrong places. V neck waist length cardi's are definitely the way forward... (off to try Debenhams nad H&M!)

  14. I'm addicted to cardigans! yes, they are reeally hard to find, I've found quite good ones in the sales!

  15. Ooh I do love a cardi.
    Those v neck ones look pretty damn good, I also can't wear the round neck ones, makes my boobs look matronly.


  16. I'm really picky about cardi's as well. I can never find a good one. I like normal length ones as well, but they are hard to find.
    Will definitely check out the Debs ones.

  17. I'm really fussy about cardigans too. I love them but I have to be wearing certain garments in order to rock a cardigan properly!

  18. Backups of your favourite things are *very* important. These cardigans look lovely, msy have to stalk me some of my own!


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