Monday, 14 November 2011

Short skirt, long jacket.

It's kind of good, really, that it hasn't got properly cold yet (seriously, even the weather doesn't believe that it's November) because I REALLY need a new coat and I just cannot choose! It's getting desperate though - all the buttons have fallen off my maroon one and the lining in my beloved tartan number is pretty much shredded. But, man, coats are EXPENSIVE. And I keep finding ones that I quite like, but none that I'm totally OMG about, which is actually worse because instead of setting for one OMG coat, I just want five NICE coats.

It's just SUCH a hard life, honestly. Anyway! Here are some coats that I like.

This really reminds me of the adorable parka I lived in at uni. So adorable.

So adorable, and the be-ribboned collar is removable too. I keep going to 'visit' it.

This is so, SO similar to this coat which I own, and love, but, um, can't I have it twice?

Really not sure it'll suit me... BUT SO PRETTY.

I seem to be massively into my fur collars this year, apparently. Pretty!

It's not practical, it won't be flattering... BUT I WANT IT.

Now show me coats that YOU like!


  1. I loved the navy version of the topshop velvet bow dress but the reviews of it were quite bad :( I also almost bought the last one! haha. I like the H&M or Miss Selfridge ones! (am also a fan of fur collars)


  2. Sarah get the H&M fur collar coat now! It is simply gorgeous!

  3. My favourite's definitely the Red Herring one though the last one is beautiful if not practical too! xxx

  4. saw the H&M one in store and it was lovely!

  5. I had the very same dilemma only recently, and it was interesting that the more blog comments I got saying "Oooh, X coat", the more I was sure it wasn't X coat I wanted! Ha ha! And then bloomin' Topshop got a whole new load of amazing coats in and I went with a totally different one anyway! But, for my 2 cents' worth, the Red Herring fur-trimmed one for sure!

    xxx Maddie

  6. I love the Miss Selfridge one! I made the big big big mistake of trying this one on:

    If only I had £400 floating around.....

  7. Oooh I am in love with the first one! xx

  8. I'm the same, it's hard to make a decision as coats can be so expensive! My favourites are the H&M and red herring ones, I'm also loving fur collars right now! x

  9. I totally want the fur coat as well in fact i bought a cheaper alternative, no ears but only £35 xx

  10. I am so in love with the H&M one. Too bad I already have two new coats this winter! Three's a good number though right? If it snows I'll need alternatives for when two get wet...

  11. I'm really into fur collars at the moment too!

  12. Get the last one! You know you want to.

  13. These are beautiful coats, I really like the third one! This weather has been nuts, it was almost 70 degrees today.


  14. I'm glad I'm not the only one with coat issues! My last one has massive rips under the arms yet I still wear it....

    Out of your selection I really like the topshop and miss selfridge ones....although the latter probably more for you!

    But yeah I'm obsessing over anything camel coloured atm....or my head thats what I want to be wearing this winter!!

  15. that H&M coat is so beautiful in real life too. want want want.

  16. ooh I love the h&m one! So beautiful. & the fur stole could be worn with other stuff too.

  17. Ooh that top coat *melts* I'm off to debenhams! and with that last coat, well you don't know until you try eh?! *enables*

  18. I have the H&M coat in the red colour, and I highly recommend it. Warm and so flattering on. I get constant compliments on it


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