Friday, 6 July 2012

Reckless abandon, like no one's watching you.

I’m quoting my best friend when I say that there is a Glastonbury-shaped hole in my summer. I think that’s why I can’t really believe it’s July, because seriously – JUNE DID NOT HAPPEN. I know it did not happen because my back is not destroyed from sleeping on a lilo for a week, I don’t have even the slightest semblance of a tan and I don’t even know where my tent is. I’m missing my festival fix hard, so dressing up in all my festival finery is surely going to help the wistful feeling. Or make it worse, whatevs.

George at ASDA asked me to choose my festival essentials from their site, so I picked this cute brightly coloured dress and – naturally – a kagoul. My top tip is NEVER go to a festival without waterproofs. And this one has polka dots! I always feel a bit like playing dress-up at Glastonbury - an excuse to wear those brightly coloured tights or that mad eyeshadow or that giant hat - ah, why not? Also, bright colours mean that people can spot you in a crowd, especially amongst the Kate Moss clones. True fact: I once saw Kate Moss at Glastonbury and barely noticed her, because her clones are so effective. Which brings me to the second top tip of this post - famous people - an army of clones are useful for being inconspicuous. Also, good for alibis.

Dress & Kagoul c/o George at ASDA
Wellies - Office
Jewellery - GOGO Philip, Topshop, Dorothy Perkins
Hat & Tights - New Look
Sunglasses - Primark

So. The ensemble. The hat is warm, but also good for keeping the sun off my delicate English head, and the tights are warm... and they match my hat! I'm all about the plaits and hats (RHYME) at festivals - after about two days, my hair is not fit for public viewing, no matter how much dry shampoo I pile on it. So, yes. Cover up your head, because no one wants to see that hot mess. And wellies - my beloved, five-years-old Office wellies - the older the better, in my opinion. They fit perfectly now.

Are you lucky enough to go to a festival this year? If so I HATE YOU. (Not really, I’m just seething with jealousy.) If it’s your first time, here are my top tips. That's right - MORE top tips. This post is choc-a-bloc with top tips.

1 – Even if it’s supposed to be beautiful weather, pack as if it’s going to rain torrentially. It probably will.
2 – Never underestimate how cold you’ll be at night. Take forty billion layers.
3 - Wear a sunhat in the day, even if it's not that sunny. Trust me, a festival is not a good place to have sunstroke. No. TRUST ME.
4 - Remember that playsuits mean you may be pretty much naked in a portaloo with a dodgy lock.
5 - Keep anti bac handgel and loo roll on your person at all times because festivals are gross.
6 - Air beds are pricey and heavy. Buy a lilo instead!
7 - See some awesome bands, but also see some awesome weird stuff. The weird stuff is my favourite.
8 - If jeans get wet, they will not dry. Tights dry instantly! Wear tights. Not jeans. Down with jeans.
9 - Cider is yummy.
10 - You know that hilarious group who like to sing round their campfire all night? Yeah, they're AWFUL. Pack earplugs. You'll need them.

What are your festival top tips?

This is my 'Getting my groove on' face.


  1. Hahaha love you festival top tips, especially the playsuit one! The closest I have ever been to a festival was Childrens World at the Abbey Park in Glastonbury when I was younger - my then friends dad was one of the organisers and he roped us into helping out in the crafts tent, getting messy with paint and all sorts! One day festivals are more my style.. any place I can hold in my number 1 long enough to not have to use a portaloo!

    I'm off to Glastonbury for a week on Monday to visit my family and friends. I grew up in Glastonbury for 20 years and miss it so very much - I only get to visit every few months with my bf because train fare is extortionate from Yorkshire to Somerset! £270 for two people.. *barf* Glastonbury life is like a festival all year round! xxx

    1. Ah that sounds awesome - I love craft tents! That train fare sounds insane though :( I do love being able to drive! I must visit Glastonbury when the festival is on one year, I've been to Shepton but that's it!

  2. This is pretty much my festival wear, dress, tights and waterproofs. Think you just about covered all the top tips xxx

  3. Haha great tips, I totally agree about always taking a waterproof jacket and not wearing jeans!

    Caroline x
    Caroline's Catwalk

    1. Right? Having had to put wet jeans back on once before, I AM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN.

  4. I love that jacket! It's fab. I'm always surprised never to hear people suggest earplugs and layers at night...maybe those people don't get cold/are heavy sleepers!

    1. Maybe! I am the worst sleeper in the world, especially at festivals. I wake up in the middle of the night with chattering teeth. I am not made for outdoor living!

  5. Cuteness! If you take only one tip, your loo roll one is it, for reals. Beauty-wise I take a super-soft, fat black kohl pencil and just up my eye make-up each day - smudgy rock'n'roll glamour, plus dry shampoo. By the end my hair is BIG as and my eyes DARK AS MY SOUL.

    1. Haha, that sounds AWESOME. I am going to try that next year.

  6. Great dress pick - it is gorgeous! Suits you so well too, especially in the dancing shot ;)
    I love that kagoul, I have it too, mine was for rubbish wet days though, not partying at a festival!
    Have never been to a festival, but if I ever do your tips will be very handy to have.

    Fliss @ The Offbeat Girl

    1. Aw thank you. :) I love the colours! You should definitely go to a festival, they are awesome.

  7. Love that dress! And I can't quite believe I am saying this but that kagoul is cute!

  8. You look great in colour, I love that kagoul!

    maria xxx

  9. If I were the sort of person to go to a festival, I would want to go to one with you because you are obviously an expert ;) Also because I know you would have a good supply of booze.

  10. You're adorable. If I was going to a festival this year, you'd be my festival essential!


  11. Great tips!!! Love the rain mac! xx

  12. My tip would be to not camp near the big fence/wall at the edges of the site. Not only will you be met with manly cheers of "BRING ON THE WALL" it will also smell awful and become all sludgy... not nice for a lady! All the other tips are essential though. Great Post! xx

    1. Oh yes, that's a good one! People pee by the walls, too. Yuck!

  13. My tip is to not drink too much before bed - a midnight pee is no fun in a portaloo!

  14. love the colourful dress it is amazing!! i am off to a festival this weekend at SHM so think i might rock that look - love it!! xx

  15. love the rain mac!


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