Sunday, 29 July 2012

Super Awesome OMG Giveaway Week (Day Seven)

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Oh my god you guys it is my ACTUAL BIRTHDAY TODAY. Yep yep y'all, I am thirty years old. I am totes all responsible and mature now, obvs. Anyway, my party last night was awesome (hence this post being twelve hours late, ooops) and today has mostly been spent eating and cleaning. I have a few days off though so the fun doesn't end! I'll let you all know more about the party soon but for now... GIVEAWAY!

It's the final giveaway of my Super Awesome OMG Giveaway Week The Sequel, but you still have ages to enter the giveaways so get on that. Today's giveaway is a self indulgent one, particularly as I did it last year too, but screw it. Today, I'm giving away a personalised illustration.

Over the last year I've got a lot more into illustration and have done a few bespoke portraits for bloggers like Maria, Sarah and Nicki. So I feel a lot more confident about giving one away - hopefully it will not suck. You will receive a portrait of yourself in the style of the below - a digital, coloured version, and the original (a pencil sketch). It can be used for your blog layout, or whatever you want. It doesn't necessarily have to be you, but it does have to be a single individual (no family or couple pics, I'm afraid).

  • You must be a follower of this blog.
  • Please include your email or a means of contacting you in the comment.
  • Giveaway will run for TWO WEEKS, closing Sunday 12th August 19:00 GMT
  • Winner will be selected using
  • Winners will be announced Monday 13th August.
To Enter:
  • Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin
  • Leave a comment including your contact details (email/twitter etc) plus your favourite joke. I like jokes.
  • For an extra entry, Like my Facebook page and either tweet or post to your blog something along these lines: I've just entered @essbeevee's giveaway to win a custom illustration at because that's just how I roll.
  • (if you Like, Tweet AND Blog it – that’s THREE extra entries! But please note you must comment too or you get NO entries.)
Goooood luck!


  1. a man walks into a bar.
    Happy birthday! i'd love to win this :)

  2. I like your facebook page! i'm rosie sherratt on fb :)

  3. (you can tell i really want to win this...)
    i tweeted!

    Thanks! :)xxx

  4. It was hard gettin over my addiction to the Hokey Cokey, but I've turned myself around and thats what it's all about. :D
    I follow and I've liked and tweeted.
    Happy 30th birthday! I hope you've had a marvellous day xx

  5. I can't think of a good joke :( but I'll get back to you on that! evespikey[at] I'm following via bloglovin & I tweeted @evemariadust

  6. Ah! I thought of one: I used to be a kleptomaniac, but then I went to therapy and have already taken something valuable from every session.

    1. Great Giveaway-again! Unfortunately I could only think of one joke :( Here it is anyway: A doctor wanted to write a prescription out for a patient. He reached into his pocket but could only find his thermometer; and said, "Damn it! Some arsehole has my pen!".
      I'm following, liked and tweeted.
      Daniella, @A_T_G_N_W_T

  7. Happy birthday!
    My favourite jokes are ones tweeted by the anti joke apple...
    e.g. What did the mechanic say when he couldn't find his wrench?
    Where's my wrench.

    I also like the joke "What did Batman say to Robin before they got out of the car?".... "Get out of the car".


  8. Ooh, there's my illustration! Not entering, obviously, as I already have one, but I LOVE mine.
    It's on my business cards and everybody compliments it.

  9. Happy Birthday!!
    What's brown and sticky?
    A stick!

  10. Happy Birthday! I hope your party was awesome :)

    (This is the giveaway that I desperately want to win!)

    A joke: Listen mate, you won't be hearing from me for a while. The police are investigating me for stealing swimming pool inflatables... I gotta lilo.

    Hmmm... :)

    I follow on GFC, I liked on FB and I rweeted too (@janeylambert)

    Email: isthatyoudarling at hotmail dot co dot uk

  11. Happy belated birthday! Brace yourself for my favourite joke (it's a little cheesy....)

    What did the cheese say to himself in the mirror??

    Tell me that isn't the best thing you've ever heard.. Ok fine, it's terrible, but aren't all the best jokes?!

    I would love love love an illustration, my email to enter is xx

  12. I hope you had a great birthday! :)

    Your illustrations are so pretty, I would love one of myself.

    Right, so this man comes into a pub with his pet giraffe. He orders them a round of tequila shots. The giraffe gets too drunk and collapses on the floor. The man downs his last shot and staggers toward the door. Just as he's about to leave, the barman shouts after him, pointing at the unconscious giraffe, 'Oi, mate, you can't leave that lyin' there!' The man replies 'It's not a lion, it's a giraffe!'


  13. Happy Birthday! I just love your illustrations, plus it's my birthday tomorrow so I'm entering hoping for some birthday luck! :)

  14. Oh nearly forgot the joke! It's not really a joke mind, but the other night my pal and I were posing for pics and I said 'come in a bit more..........that's what she said!' We have a lot of those ;)

  15. Happy birthday - Awesome illustrations. A simple joke for you. What do you call someone else's cheese? Nacho cheese! Bahahahaha - I have plenty more cheese jokes where that came from. I follow your blog via bloglovin.

  16. Great giveaway would love to win one of your illustrations!
    I follow via GFC: xhannahxjane
    Liked the Facebook page: Hannah Kelly
    and the joke (from anti-joke cat)
    A horse walked into a bar.
    Several people got up and left as they spotted the potential danger in the situation.

    Hannah x x

  17. Oh now this a fabulous prize!!
    I am AWFUL at jokes though...

    The pollen count.. Now there's a difficult job. 1,2,3,4 ACHOOOO!! 1,2...

    I told you I was awful at them!
    If I'm lucky I can be contacted

  18. I have tweeted too @mrs_sock

  19. I love your illustrations and would love my own!
    Joke - What did the fish say when it swam into a wall.........dam
    I've also tweeted @cheapkicksblog
    Thanks xxx

  20. Awesome prize - consider this my entry, and happy belated birthday!

    What cheese can you hide a horse in? Mascapone!

  21. Happy birthday for Sunday!

    Amazing prize, you are a very talented lady!

    I quite like this joke :) What do you call a fish with no eyes?
    A fsh

  22. Happy birthday!!!
    Would adore a very cute illustration by you, you are one talented little lady!
    What do you call a cheese that doesnt belong to you? Nacho Cheese!

  23. Oh you have no idea how much being one of your little illustrations would make my year! :)
    My favourite joke is this: Have you heard about the magic tractor? He went down the lane and turned into a field!
    (I know, it's awful, but I'm bad at jokes and that one has been drummed into me by a friend over the past many years!)
    I've tweeted also, and can be contacted by email on xx

  24. I do love your illustrations, but why are they all the same body shape? I would love to see some other ladies represented, and just as cutesy.

    1. All the people who have commissioned illustrations from me have been fairly slim. That's why. If someone who was a little curvier asked for a drawing, I would incorporate that.

  25. // @GRTBlog

    I wish I could tell you a really awesome joke, but my genuine favourite will always be 'Why is 6 scared of 7?' (just in case anyone doesn't know the answer it's 'cos 789).

    Here is a beautiful tweet too:


  26. Love your illustrations, I'm following via GFC
    Q: Why did the chicken cross the road twice?
    A: Because it was a double-crosser.
    I can be contacted on Twitter @sugarpuffish


Comments make my day. :) I love you.

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