Friday, 12 July 2013

Mad world.

This has been such a mad week. I was all ready to relax after Glastonbury... five days of partying kind of takes it out of you. But my peaceful weekend was turned upside down by o2, who asked me to be part of their #bemoredog campaign. Have you seen the ad yet? It's amazing, even if you're don't love talking marketing and advertising like I do. Such a great campaign.

Anyway, o2 challenged some other bloggers and I to 'Be More Dog' by sending us on crazy experiences. I shared mine with Amy, so on Saturday we busted some moves at a Beyonce dance class (I have only just stopped aching) and on Sunday we scared the crap out of ourselves by trying indoor skydiving. Not our gift, let's just say.

Then, late on Sunday night, water started pouring through the ceiling of our dining room which was an awesome way to start the working week. Our lovely little house is now all damp and stinky. Awesome. One of those weekends of highs and lows, I think.

Dress - Mela Loves London via Debenhams
Hat - River Island
Sabrina Backpack & Converse c/o Spartoo
Sunglasses - Primark

After all of that drama, it's kind of nice to return to Glastonbury for one last trip before I finally stop going on about it! I wanted to share another outfit for this week's Friday Frocks which I wore on the Saturday at Glasto. It's sometimes nice to dress a bit party at a festival, so I thought throwing in some leopard print would be fun. It actually turned out to be one of my favourite ever festival outfits.

It's not like me to wear anything with an open back, but the back of this has the tiniest of cut outs on it. Saturday was a boiling day, so letting in a bit of air through the back was most welcome! (You can see more outfit details here, from the last time I featured the dress) It's quite a thin, floaty dress, so I wore it with a sneaky pair of shorts underneath too. I'M ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOU, GUST OF WIND.

I was a bit dubious about pairing the dress with my cutesy boater hat, but it kind of works, no? There was no maybe about it, anyway - without a hat, I probably would have burst into flames.

Honestly, I'm so sad it's over. But I've got some awesomeness coming up - in about two minutes, I'm about to hop in the car to Sarah's house to spend a weekend with Gem, Rosie, Alex and Char. I'm at Lovebox next week, and the week after that is my birthday weekend! It's all happening right now, and I'm stoked. Definitely helps with the post Glasto blues.



  1. One year I really do need to make it to glasto!

  2. Skydiving?! Aaahhh, that's so cool! and this party/festival looks like such a blast.


  3. That sounds amazing. I've always wanted to do indoor skydiving. What was it like? :) x

  4. Those old ladies are always around in my down, one of them has a big boombox. Oh nice, I went indoor skydiving with be more dog


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