Friday 3 December 2010

Everything's cool as long as I'm getting thinner.

Before I hit you with this week's frock, I want to announce the winner of my competition – Alex from Odd Socks and Pretty Frocks! Well done, Alex! (Check out her blog, everyone, it’s fab)

I still haven't chosen a name for my shop - I'm way too fussy - but for those who didn't win, you can still get 10% off using the code ESSBEEVEEISAMAZE. Have a cheeky look, go on.

So. I dyed my hair red on Sunday, and when I was playing around with it the other evening, I was struck by a serious case of Joan Holloway and had to see what it looked like in a beehive. I'm lazy, though, so this is a faux beehive – authentic at the front, but missing the neat little chignon at the back (I went for a bun instead). I will eventually manage to complete the entire look though, I will! It's so much easier when you use Bumpits to create the lift - no backcombing required!

It seemed appropriate to team the hairdo with this dress, which I've always thought was a little Mad Men-esque. The dress – a bargain in the Next sale a couple of months back – is one of my easy option workwear outfits. It doesn't need ironing, which is GREAT – although sometimes I neaten up the bows with my hair straighteners! Am I the only one who occasionally straightens rather than irons clothes? When I used to wear shirts under jumpers to work, I used to JUST do the collar – the least work possible! I hate ironing.

Dress - Next
Tights - New Look

To be honest with you, although I love it, I'm not convinced this dress is very flattering. I probably wouldn't have mentioned it, but I had my first negative blog comment this week and it was an especially harsh one. It's never fun being called fat, and I didn't take it especially well. For the record, I do struggle with my weight and always have. Even though I wear a size 12, my BMI tells me I'm overweight. I would love to write something inspirational here about being proud of my figure and accepting who I am, but it wouldn't be the truth. I dress my figure the best I can – to show off the best bits and hide the worst bits – and I know that some of the dresses in my wardrobe would look better if I was a few pounds lighter. I'm constantly trying to get the balance right and eat healthily and exercise regularly (I normally manage the first one, but fail on the second) and I refuse to resort to crazy faddy diets (I don't think cutting out an entire food group is healthy, plus I would be a horrible person if I wasn't allowed to eat bread any more). But honestly, all that aside, no. I don't think I look fat. Or thin. I'm just normal. Curvy. And that's okay.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that out there – but I don't think anyone should EVER be made to feel bad because of what you look like. I read blogs because I like seeing how clothes look on REAL PEOPLE – not stick thin models who are styled to within an inch of their lives. And, yes, having a comment like that does make me hesitate before posting more outfit posts, but that's stupid – I've had hundreds of fantastic, positive, heartwarming and encouraging blog comments in the last year that mean so much, that keep me doing it. Just ONE mean blog comment is not going to make me stop, just because one sad little person who thinks putting people down is going to improve their life.

*deep breath* Okay, I'm done. Let's never mention it again, okay?

ETA: Overwhelmed by all the amazing comments. I don't deserve you lovely people, I really don't.


  1. I LOVE your hair colour! And that dress! I think you look amazing and you have a killer figure! I get FAT comments all the time, which im quite clearly not. Like you said, im normal! Don't let them get to you. I think you look great xo

  2. Well I think you're fabulous. That dress looks lovely!

  3. Hi! New follower here :) Saw a post about your jewellery in Michelle's blog! I make jewellery too :) My shop's here - Folksy is like a british version of etsy, you should check it out, I'm sure you'd love it!
    Whoever called you fat - well, that's mean, and a load of rubbish! You have a gorgeous figure, and go in and out at the right places :) Girls should have curves! I'm sure whoever said that is just jealous!

  4. You have an amazeballs figure! Your hips are to die for :) xx

  5. I like the vintage style hair do! It strange how one comment can have such a negative effect on your mood! i went through school dealing with such horrible people! but people that are like that are just jealous people who have nothing but negativity in their lives! ignore them you look beautiful and i totally agree with you about the stick thin modals, women should be women with real curves and beauty! i mean Marilyn Monroe was a size 14/16 and she was beautiful! the dress looks lovely and i think it is very flattering, it makes you waste look tiny! :) xxx stevie <3

  6. SARAH <3 I love your dress! You have the nicest selection of dresses ever - hello major envy every time you post outfit choices on your Twitter! And you have such a lovely figure, its the perfect "hourglass" shape (: Ignore the silly haters, they clearly have no lives ;) xxx

  7. Congrats to the winner! I love your dress, it looks fab with your hair! :) xoxo

  8. Firstly, congrats to Alex - she is a proepr sweetie and one of my favourite bloggers.

    Second, your hair looks amazing like that.

    Third - someone called you fat? What a pathetic jerk! I don't even know where to start, but you must know it is a problem with their shrivelled little mind, nothing to do with you. You have a lovely figure, I know it is hard but just ignore that nasty comment x

  9. I think you have a great figure, I would kill for that waist and I think the dress is great. I hope you're not put off by posting pictures, sometimes I put pictures up that I'm not entirely happy with, but I know that most people won't pick out the flaws that I would. I love how blogs showcase real, attainable fashion and that the community is mostly quite a friendly one. The hater has some serious issues.

  10. That one person obviously has nothing better to do with their life. People that put people down are often jealous. Part of the reason I read blogs is because I can connect with that person, I have a similar shape and want to know how that outfit will look on me.

    Those bumbits are amazing, ive just bid on some on ebay. I never have the patience to back comb but love the beehive look. I always get my uncle, whos a hairdresser, to do one when I have a special event!

    I love your hair colour, ive been toying with red for what seems like forever. Ive been having red highlights for about 2 years but never quite gone for the plunge all over.


  11. Love that dress so much! It looks stunning on you and is right up my street, so much so that before I even said anything my fiance looked at your pic and said "you'd love that dress, wouldn't you?"! Ignore the nasty commenter and embrace the many compliments instead, they mean more :)

  12. Seriously jealous of your hair! Wish i could get mine to behave like that! And you are gorgeous, dont let shit like that get you down, there are plenty of people who would kill for your tiny waist! Cough> me!< cough! lol .x

  13. I do the hair straightener-bow thing too. My friend looked at me like I was insane when he saw me do it.

    About the 'anonymous' shitty commenter...They really can fuck off. We've all heard the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so what they say about the way you look isn't so important but the fact that they went out of their way to try and belittle you or make you question yourself is completely, completely unforgivable. Seriously, who does that? You are fantastic, and talented, and funny, and brilliant and they can go and shove their unwanted pseudo-aesthetic opinions. Cyber bullying is not cool.
    Big love, Emily x

  14. i love your hair!! :)
    and your figure is really nice
    :o... i am just straight up and down :(
    anyway, i love the dress as well :D

  15. LOVE your hair, and your dress.

    You are no-where near fat lady, you have an absolutley gorgeous figure...

    though I know myself, the words of others don't always kick in unless they are of the negative kind.


  16. You look properly gorgeous with your hair like that! Don't listen to the haters. You have such a tiny waist, I have no idea how anyone could call you fat. The internet just turns people into dickheads ;)

  17. I know we, as bloggers, sometimes value more one harsh comment than 100 nice ones, though I wanted to say to you that I don't think you're any near to be fat! you have a wonderful figure that this dress flatters very well!

  18. people who say things only to hurt others are walking around with rainclouds over their heads, and you should never listen to them. you are far too beautiful and have too much of a lovely figure, to waste any time feeling bad about what horrid people say. you are not fat. simply not. xx

    we could go anywhere..

  19. You look gorgeous hun & your hair looks amazing
    pretty lady! x

  20. the dress is absolutely wonderful.

  21. Ah balls to the shitty comment.

    You look amazing, killer figure, and your hair is looking amazing. Love the beehive. You so suit a fringe to.


  22. All I see when I look at these photos is gorgeousness. Seriously, I think that dress is totally amazing on you, as is the hair colour, but to be honest you could wear a binliner and you would still look beautiful.

    I completely agree, I read blogs to see real outfits on real women, and the more I see, the more I reject the models in magazines. I'd rather see a load of bloggers having amazing fun than a bored model any day!

  23. It's always hard to shake off negative comments, especially if they target something you're already sensitive about. But hopefully you realise that they mean nothing, and they're obviously a bit stupid! I mean, as a genuine fat lady I can honestly say you are Not Fat At All! In fact you're pretty much a body double of Ms Hendricks, you lucky bint ;)

    (Can I also just say BMI is about as scientifically sound as Gillian McKeith's phd - as long as your happy & healthy and stylish I'll continue to follow and be inspired!

    Basically: Ignore the haters, keep up the awesome work, you're a stunner.

    Lauren xx
    Pocket Rocket

  24. You're fab in this frock as in every other, and Anonymous is going to get ass tumors if karma has anything to do with it. xo

  25. You look absolutely stunning, I love everything about this outfit, it suits you perfectly.


  26. Well I don't half think you look stunning, and honestly? I'd kill to have your figure, and attitude at that. You should be proud of both - your a gorgeous girl, with a fab sense of style AND an amazing blog to boot. Keep it up hun, let them hate. They're just jealous anyway!


  27. Before I read what you had written I thought, wow that dress looks so good on her so I think a lot of the time it is just worry but I always think you look lovely and you are funny, talented and lovely too so the haters can go shove it! ;)

    Maria xxx

  28. This dress looks amazing with the new hair colour!

    And as far as your figure goes, I think it looks bloody gorgeous!! I wasted a good few years of my life worrying about being thin which ultimatley led to anorexia. I am now fully recovered and so happy not to give a second thought about my weight anymore, I'm curvy and happy. Life is too short and chocolate tastes too good to waste on what a minority views as 'beautiful'


  29. I can't believe how mean some people are! Seriously what is wrong with them? - it only proves that they're jealous of you and your amazing style.
    I really like the dress, I think it does suit your fig, it clings in all the right places. I'd probably experiment with thin belts or something, but then look like a retard and end up taking the off.
    P.S. What is they say, Haters gonna hate? Let them, I used to be 'told off' by people for being too skinny, then I got bigger and got the same. There's a lot more people who love you than write silly comments.
    Oooh and I wish I had the confidence to make my hair brighter (I tried but it didn't work)

  30. I have never used a bumpit but heard lots of good things about them! :) may need to invest in one now my hair is that little bit longer. Haha yeah I sometimes use the hair straightners quickly on the bottom of dresses, collars etc if I'm rushing out the door, it is a great trick ♥ did it all the time in europe when I was living out of my backpack for a month and everything was, well... creased :(

    Cant believe you got a hate comment :( this is honestly driving me crazy right now. Fucking stupid, jealous people! You have a gorgeous hourglass figure, and dont let anyone tell you any different ♥ xx

  31. I like your blog! The dress is b e a u t i f u l !!!
    I'm just 2 months on blogger..
    soo, check it out? xoxo

  32. sorry to hear about that mean comment and how you have been feeling because of it. i can really sympathize with how mean some comments can hurt. i've had people come up to me in the street sometimes just to tell me horrible things and have been bullied for so many years. i can't believe people can get off by saying mean things to other people. if it's constructive, then that's fine but if it's plain right bullying then that is just wrong. i hope you feel better soon, you really are beautiful. xxx

  33. I really think you look amazing! The dress is beautiful and it looks great on you!!!

    Let the haters talk, and move on. :)


  34. heya,
    i came along to say hi, because i met you yesterday with miss believer's tamsin! I just came to say how nice it was to meet you - i'm really shocked to see this. You're such fab company and a really gorgeous girl, I'm glad you're not letting one silly mean person change what you do so well! To be honest, I can perfectly imagine them jealous of your figure - I know I am!

  35. I can't believe people still write comments like this, do they not have anything better to do?
    As you've already said just totally ignore them! I, and all your other readers, think you look lovely and I'd much rather eat what I like (in moderation of course) and be curvy than barely eat and look like a stick and feel miserable all the time!!

  36. Sod that person, you look amazing...and every Friday I am increasingly jealous of your frocks/hair/shoes...sigh! :)


  37. Oh Sarah, how did I miss this post?! First off, thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway items. Am just trying to decide which ones I will wear first!

    The dress looks stunning on you but so does everything you wear in outfit posts! You've got such lovely taste and you really dress so well to suit your shape. Anyone who's cowardly enough to snipe at you and not have the balls to use their real name isn't worth wasting your time over. Not only are their opinions totally worthless, they're just being vile on purpose and you can't do anything about people like that.


Comments make my day. :) I love you.

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