Friday, 18 March 2011

Just don't know what to do with myself.

There are some outfits that you like in principle, that you remember fondly, and then when you wear out you can’t fathom why you ever felt that way. All they do is make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. The entire night is spent pulling it up, pulling it down, smoothing out the wrinkles and getting convinced everyone is staring at you. And not in a good way.

On that note… this is one of those outfits. I DO like it in principle. What’s not to like? It’s red. It’s a good, not-too-short/not-too-long length. It’s a flattering cut. It’s, frankly, boobalicious. And yet, when I wore this out last Saturday, I did not feel good. To the extent that I debated including it in my blog at all. But, you know, not all outfits can be favourites. Sometimes you wear something and realise that it's not right for you, after all.

Dress – Warehouse

Shoes – Matalan
Belt – Vivien of Holloway (borrowed)
Necklace – Topshop

Perhaps my issues with the dress were that I’ve gained a little weight recently (hence my new blog project, which I talked about on Monday) and the dress simply didn’t fit like it did last time. I seemed to spend the entire night pulling up the bodice and trying to stop it showing my bra. Borrowing my friend’s magic belt did help a lot (you can see the difference), but even so. No. Not a dress I’ll be wheeling out again for a while.

Anyway. Sorry for the Dress Downer this week, but don’t worry – I’m sure I’ll be back on form next week! It got paid on Tuesday and I have a few new dresses to show off.

On a brighter note, though, the patent Mary-Janes I was wearing are the most comfortable heels I own. Even though you can't really see them, I must extol their virtues. I wish Matalan would sell them again. I need a million pairs. In every colour. Please.


  1. I really like this dress on you but I totally know what you mean about an outfit making you feel self-conscious even if there's nothing actually "wrong" with it that you can pinpoint. x

  2. Awww such a shame you didn't feel comfortable wearing the dress. It looks lovely on you too!

  3. I love it, you look so cute! xo.

  4. Shame it didn't feel as good as it looks. Gorgeous colour!

    Good Luck to all of you on Where Are My Knees

  5. There is absolutely nothing worse than wearing something you once loved and now it doesn't feel right. I'm honestly not just saying this but I think you look fab! The dress is a gorgeous shape and colour. I'm sure one day you will put this on again and fall back in love with it :)


  6. I hate when clothes I love don't make me feel good. I do however think you look gorgeous x

  7. Totally cute dress, I love the skirt. I do like it better with the belt. We all have dress downers but I don't think this should be one for ya!

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Otis and James accessory giveaway

  8. Oh that's the worst feeling! I get it with pretty much everything I wear :/ maybe it's just me being an idiot though. I think you look lovely, for the record! x

  9. So jealous of your hair colour!! :) Also I love the dress so its a real shame you didnt feel comfortable. x x

  10. I love this dress and hopefully after a few weeks of wamk motivation and encouragement you will feel confident enough to give it another outing :) xx

  11. It's exactly the same as this gorgeous dress I picked up super cheap on ebay, used to fit me quite well until christmas happened, and lack of motivation to exercise followed :D it fits but it's not the same.
    I think the dress looks great on you, although the belt really does make a difference somehow.
    And as for the Matalan shoes, I think I may have the same pair, and I too wish they'd sell them in different colours :) they're the comfiest heels I've ever owned, ever.

    Fiona x

  12. Well m'love I think it looks fabulous, and I'd actually die to have a figure like yours but alas, I will never see the day when an outfit can be described as boobalicious. Nevertheless, you're right about some outfits just not feeling as comfortable as they used to - i think half the time it's changes in taste as well as body shape.
    Good luck with the where's my knees project- i'm following you guys all the way! x

  13. I love this dress on you! Totally something I would steal off you ;) I know what you mean though, my nervousness normally occurs after I've seen an unflattering photo :P

    Maria xxx

  14. Aww I think you look fabby but I totally know what you mean! I don't see the point in wearing something if it makes you uncomfortable. I think they key to sexiness is confidence and you can hardly be confident when you're uncomfortable.

  15. It's such a gorgeous dress, it looks lovely on you! I have dresses that look nice until you move around then suddenly I feel uncomfortable in it or I have to keep arranging it. Very annoying, especially when it is so pretty! :)

  16. I love this dress, the colour looks lovely on you!

  17. I think the dress looks gorgeous on you but I know how you feel, I have so many outfits like that, that I like untill I go out, then I just want to go home, rip if off nd put some pj's on x

  18. The dress is gorgeous and you look stunning wearing it! :) The red really suits you!

    Can understand how you feel there's some clothes or outfits you have that you really love but you somehow feel uncomfortable wearing them! I have one or two tops like that which are staying in my wardrobe until I've lost a bit more weight!


  19. Awww, sorry to hear you didn't feel great in the dress: You do look fantastic in it though! The colour really suits you.

  20. BEAUTIFUL dress - look at your waist! :O
    you look lovely :)

  21. I think the dress is lovely, but I do know exactly what you mean. I often put on things I used to wear *constantly* and suddenly realise I hate them, for know realy reason that I can fathom.

    Good for you for posting a 'dress downer' too, it's easy to post something you love, but not so easy to post something you don't.

  22. I've got a few dresses like that, I get compliments and feel good when I put them on, then by the end of the night I'm thinking WHY didn't I wear my fail-safe always-comfy option! I have to say though that dress looks fab on you and it's a great colour. I bet all the compliments you'll get will make you remember it fondly again next time!!

  23. I saw this post and instantly thought how beautiful you looked in that gorgeous dress. You shouldn't have felt self conscious because you look amazing!

  24. wow, you look so beautiful. i love the straight hair on you -- then again, you pull off everything, dear sarah! <3

    thank you so much -- that means the world of me -- for your comment. i would LOVE to be a little woodland creature! chipmunks and bunnies.. or little deer. heh.

    and i'm playing a fairy in a shakespeare (the tempest) right now, i am thrilled to think i look like one.

  25. ALSO - your dress looks lovely -- there's nothing off, no matter what you feel!


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