Friday, 25 March 2011

Slip back out of whack at your best.

As someone who doesn't wear jeans - EVER - I have certain dresses in my wardrobe that I consider my equivalent. They're normally the cheaper numbers, a little more shapeless than my favourites. At least a couple of them have holes in. And this - one of my on-rotation Casual Friday numbers - is one of those very dresses.

It's a really sweet dress - I picked it up last year in Primark - but it's always been a day dress to me, never a pub dress. I sometimes think adding a layer to a dress casuals it up a bit - but this dress is downright indecent without a vest under it! I wore it to work today, along with - that's right - NOT TIGHTS. Now the weather has warmed up a bit (pleeeease stick around, sunshine!) I've had to summer up my wardrobe in a hurry. Thank god for leggings.

Dress & Shoes - Primark
Belt - Accessorize
Necklace - Topshop

I've been living in these wedges this week. Despite being almost five inches high, they are so very comfortable! They're from Primark too, and are at least three years old. They're still in great nick though (further proof to my theory that Primark's quality has gone shockingly downhill of late).

Sorry if my post seems rushed this week - I've been feeling somewhat out of sorts lately, and then got knocked sideways by a horrible coldy-fluey bug last weekend which has completely ruined my week! But I'll be back on form soon, I'm sure - and I have lots of blog posts planned for the next few weeks. Have a good weekend everyone - my number one priority is to sleep, sleep, and then sleep some more. And maybe enjoy the sunshine, too.

PS - My first blog is up at Where Are My Knees? - have you read it yet?


  1. I love that dress - perfect for spring. I'm just like you - never wear jeans (I don't even own a pair!!)

  2. wow thats so pretty! im the complete opposite, i live in jeans! because my legs are skinny and have no shape and i dont like them, so jeans make them look slightly bigger :) xxx

  3. Sometimes the old faithfuls are the best! I've got stuff in my wardrobe that i know i can turn to when i just don't know what to wear, though none of it quite as pretty as this dress.
    Those wedges are so gorgeous too - makes me a weency bit jealous that i can't wear heels! x

  4. I love dresses like this, and your wedges are lovely! I hate jeans too, I just think they're really unflattering and uncomofrtable on me, much prefer skirts/dresses! xx

  5. I love how everyone's bringing out the springtime outfits now. You look lovely here, especially your beautiful hair.

  6. You look so lovely, that dress is so pretty and I am the same with jeans equivalents! I'm loving the sunshine so much, I even had bare legs today! [gasp] Hope you feel better soon love <3

    Maria xxx

  7. Your hair looks adorable in these pics :-)

    I do SO hope this weather sticks around too!

    Dayner @ Mozzypop x

  8. Even though I do wear jeans, I also have a couple go to dresses for casual/can't be bothered days. I'm loving yours, and love the wedges. Can't wait to get back into my open toed/summer shoes!

    Feel better soon, enjoy sleeping. My weekend goes Sleep, revision, gym sleep, revision, sleeeeeep REPEAT.

  9. I also have "jeans equivalent" dresses. Love this dress and those Primark wedges. x

  10. Such a pretty dress and perfect for all this sunny weather we've been having :) xx

  11. The dress looks great - much better than a pair of jeans in my opinion anyway!

  12. although I have started venturing in to jeans a bit more lately (though I got very stuck in a pair in New Look earlier) I have some equivalent dresses too...people don't get it when I try to explain..they clearly lack our magic.

  13. oh dear, i hope you feel better soon, sarah!

    you have such a lovely collection of dresses (have you ever counted how many you have? haha), plus i adore your hair like this, the ringlets look adorable.

    it was lovely seeing you on wednesday, thank-you for your lovely comment :) xx

  14. Primark quality has definitely gone down hill - although quality in most shops has too! (Topshop, I'm looking at you...) I have been too poorly this week to enjoy the nice warmer weather and now it's gone back to horrible :( I'm jealous you could get peep toe wedges out!

  15. i love this dress wiht the wedges and leggings, hooray for springtime weather, and for fall-back comforts! :)


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