Friday, 8 April 2011

And we'll all float on, okay.

Today's post marks six months of Friday Frocks! I can't believe I've kept it up this long. It's been nice though - it's made me look more closely at my wardrobe, make an effort to wear the dresses from the back (the amount of times I've thought, 'Oh, I can't wear that, I've already blogged it and I need to photograph something new!'). It's also forced me into a routine of blogging regularly - whereas before, I was having rather a lot of blogging breaks.

Really, I feel, this dress should be a landmark item, something FABULOUS and sparkly. But instead, it's the most casual dress in my wardrobe. Loose, tunic-like... to be honest, I suspect a little that it makes me look pregnant. BUT I still love it. Don't worry, there are plenty of fabulous, sparkly numbers that you haven't seen yet. Note to self: go to more parties.

Dress - Dorothy Perkins
Cardigan - Red Herring at Debenhams
Tights - Who can say?
Trainers - Converse
Necklace - Primark

I wore it last weekend, a very low-key affair, which saw me throwing myself into this whole diet and weight loss thing and go on three lots of 3 mile walks. Which is why I'm accessorising with Converse. Not my usual prim and proper style, but if you walk 9 miles in ballet pumps, you're going to regret it.

Under my bed = a mess. I'm sorry.


  1. Hey, i've just introduced a new feature on my blog where i interview my favourite blogs & get to know them better. I'd love to feature you, if you're interested email me at :) xo.

  2. Ooh. I might just have to copy your Friday frocks. I'm a many time failed blogger (with aspirations to regular posting!)

  3. It may be casual, but it's larrvly! And yes, if you're going to make the rest of us feel bad and go on all these super woman treks then comfy dressing is definitely best! WOO for converse. I miss my old pair. Well, I still have them but they're so worn out I can't really wear them any more. Save-up time methinks! x

  4. Well I think it is very pretty, nothing wrong with a good tunic dress. I need to go on more long walks too, I should have shifted the Christmas pounds by now but I have been much too lazy and I still have my winter layer of flab! xx

  5. under your bed = a hell of a lot tidyer than mine!

  6. you don't look preggers at all. you look bloody CUTE. x

  7. I genuinely dont think it makes your look pregnant! But I know what you mean, when YOU feel that it might make you look pregnant!

    Glad to hear your enjoying the walks, great weather for it!


  8. Ooh I love this outfit! It's girlie but practical and I'll always have a soft spot for converse paired with a cute dress. You look beautiful <3 xoxo

  9. I know what you mean about pumps, not good for supporting your ankles and they hurt if you walk in them for any great distance!
    I've got my old cons that I used to wear to school somewhere, I should dig them out for when I go walking the dog xx

  10. Nothing wrong with Converse! I think they add to the character of the outfit, personally I love sneakers with pretty dresses. A very nice dress it is too, is it recent? Was perusing the sale rail at Dotty's today & saw something similar.

  11. You don't look pregnant at all! You look lush x

  12. You look lovely and you are putting me to shame with your new healthy regime! :)

    Maria xxx

  13. I always wear converse with pretty dresses!

  14. I am always paranoid that any empire line dresses make me look pregnant! In reality they don't but we're still para. You look so cute with your converse on Sarah. I like to wear mine with jeans sometimes when i want to dress down. Don't think I've ever featured them on my blog though!

  15. Sarah these pictures are gorgeous! You are looking amazingly well at the moment. Beautiful!

    Oh and well done on the 6 month dress mark!! I must get back on the frocking Friday mission!

  16. I love seeing the dresses you wear :)
    This is great, very casual, but fun & easy at the same time. Love the red colour you wear it with too x

  17. I like it! A short dress, tights, cardi and plimsolls is my favourite weekendy outfit. (And you're grown up, so you can have shoes on the bed if you want to! I put my feet on the furniture all the time - unless you've actually stepped in dog shit I don't see what the big deal is!)

  18. damn straight!
    i tried walking ages in pumps... hello blisters!
    love the print on that dress :)

    Rosie xo

  19. Congrats on six months of frifros! I'm so impressed, and so glad you've got loads more to go!

    I find blogging definitely makes me more creative with my clothes, and wear more of them. I'd probably be sticking to the 10% of my wardrobe they say women actually wear if not!

  20. Your looking really slim Sarah, looks like all your hard work has paid off!
    I love converse, they are without a doubt the most comfiest shoes I own!

  21. i can see why this would be a favourite!

  22. You look GORGEOUS missus. So cute posed like that on your bed with your converse on too :) lovely jubbly xx

  23. gorgeous!
    i LOVE the cherry one, and this post had me loling xxx

  24. gorgeous!
    i LOVE the cherry one, and this post had me loling xxx


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