Monday, 11 April 2011

This indecision got me climbing up the walls.

When I go shopping, I often see items that I love so much, I end up going on ridiculous flights of fancy about where and when I’d wear them. Which helps justify the purchase.

For example...

I’d wear THIS on holiday with white straw wedges, huge sunglasses and a large floppy hat. And then I would meet a handsome Italian man and we would FALL IN LOVE and then it would turn out that he was a PRINCE and we would go and live in a CASTLE. Note to self: buy white straw wedges. And a large hat.

This would look amazing with stacked black heels and red accessories. I could totally see it with a red headscarf. I’ve never worn a headscarf, but if I was wearing this dress, I could wear ANYTHING and it would look fine. If I was going to Monte Carlo, which I am not, but if I WAS, I would wear this dress. And my hair would be super shiny.

Oh, well now this is an INVESTMENT because it would be a chance to wear items that I already have and never wear, like my red heart shaped sunglasses and my flat red strappy sandals. Not buying it would be practically like losing money.

I can SEE IT NOW. Wandering around in this faded denim dress, paired with impractically high brown strappy sandals paired with ankle socks. It DOESN’T MATTER that there is no way I can pull off ankle socks, in this dress, it would be possible.

WELL. This is floral and with a Peter Pan collar, and if I don’t buy it right now I WILL NEVER BE HAPPY AGAIN.

In summary, I’m a little bit in love with the dress selection at Matalan right now.


  1. Ha! I was looking at Matalans site last night and you've picked out 2 of the dresses that I need right now. Damn it.

  2. Matalan have an amazing selection in at the minute! I love the apple print one!

  3. This made me laugh lots after a long day. I imagine you'd look lovely in them all. And in ankle socks. x

  4. YES! I third MAtalan and its amazingness right now! I was stuck for choice! Although, I would say that their sizes are awkward in my experience, the 12 (the size I normally am with space) was too small on the back, whereas the 14 was miles too big. Boo! I actually bought the cherry print one but due to the afore mentioned problems had to return :-( booo. I probably just have an obscenely large back! xxx

  5. LOVE the first, loving Matalan atm, have some great things xx

  6. l o v e the second and 5th dresses. will be needing those in my life. god i need some money, haha. xx

  7. matalan has some amazing stuff at th mo, including these summer boots with crocheted bits, which I bought :) I eyed up ALL those dresses and more whilst i was there and tried the cherry one on, and it looked lovely but had a cheapy feel to it :( xx

  8. *the awkard feeling you realise you seriously need a new dress*

  9. Just reading this made my day a little brighter! All your posts just make me want to BUY MORE DRESSES!!xxx

  10. i love the first and the last dress! gorgeous xxx

  11. I love reading your posts Sarah haha, particularly your little stories to accompany each dress, which I think suitably justify any future purchase you may make! The first floral dress and the apple print dress are perfect (: xx

  12. Hehe, love yuor decriptions! Can we go to Monte Carlo please?

  13. I laughed so much reading this. I do it too. Today i bought a jacket from river island that is similar but NOT the same as one i own. Owning this new jacket is going to make me infinatly cooler and give a new edge to my look. Plus it goes with EVERTHING so it is an investment and since i have very little money an investment is a good thing because i will spend LESS in the long run ? right? xxxx

  14. Matalan are giving some good dresses at the moment aren't they!

    And naturally all those situations are just around the corner so therefore you need these dresses....


  15. I have that first dress! It's just too gorgeous but awfully short too x_x x

  16. That made me LOL.
    Love dresses 1 & 3 I might have to take a trip to matalan now, darn you for making me spend money

  17. haha! I totally relate to the 'I must have this OR I WILL NEVER BE HAPPY AGAIN' way of thinking!
    C x

  18. I love this post and your dedication to persuading yourself as to why you need these dresses! x

  19. i have recently had a word with my legs about how unimpressive they look in ankle socks. we haven't reached any sort of compromise yet though.

  20. Loved this post :) Didn't realise it was Matalan until the end. Keep us updated on which ones you don't manage to resist!

  21. i love this post. this is literally my thought process when buying any item of clothing. oops. x

  22. Gorgeous dresses! Beautiful work!

  23. Haha, I do exactly the same thing when I'm shopping!! These dresses are gorgeous, think I'm gonna spend my evening browsing Matalan's dress section....


  24. You know what, I hate you because I now want ALL of these dresses! :)

    Maria xxx

  25. Haha the BIG RED sale thingys don't help either do they? Love the lighthearted-ness of your blog :)

  26. i just bought the halter one yday evening..i really wanted the red and grey floral one too but they only had size 8 or 20 left, neither of which would be any good to me! damn matalan and their 20% off dresses sale til tomorrow!


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