Sunday, 17 April 2011

I found my own true love was on a blue Sunday.

I woke up this morning, and realised I had no plans. No set activities, nowhere I needed to be. Oh, the possibilities! I toyed with a few options before realising that the thing I wanted to do more than anything else was pay the first visit of the year to my local car boot. Because the weather was so lovely today, it was really busy, and huge - lots of people selling! There was a lot of rubbish, as always, but in amongst it all I found some gems.

I love these old fashioned little guides, although I think this one may make me cross - it was only 30p. These OPI nail polishes are brand new and were £4 each - expensive for a car boot, but not for OPI. And they're pretty.

This print was 50p and made me chuckle, had to get it.

I'm normally too lazy to buy clothes at car boots - so much rummaging! But this Oasis Peter Pan dress was hanging on the end of a clothes rail, calling to me as I left. And for £2, I had to say yes.

Buying old cameras at car boots is a bit of a problem of mine. I was going to walk away from this Olympus SLR, even though it had all its lenses included, but when I was told it could be mine for £10, I gave in. Again, not cheap for a car boot, but sometimes you have to recognise that it's still a bargain!

And finally, this. The piece de resistance. This is the first thing I bought and it instantly lifted my spirits. At every car boot, every tabletop sale, if there's a typewriter, I look at it, and I ask about it. I remember once seeing a beautiful black and gold ornate number, and asked the price. "I've been told not to take less than £60." I turned away, wistfully. It was completely worth that, but I couldn't spend that money on what's basically an ornament.

And then I saw this. Gorgeous colour. Dusty, but in pretty good condition. "How much?" "£3." I HAD TO BUY IT. I've looked it up and it was made in 1952, and I adore it. I don't have anywhere to display it at the moment, but I can't wait until I have the space to keep it out on display. It's lovely.

Have you made it to any car boots yet this year? Any good finds?


  1. wow £3 for a typewriter!! thats such a bargain i love them as decoration. bargain dress too! xxx

  2. Very jealous of the typewriter! I've not been to a car boot in years, for the same reasons I don't do charity shops - I never find the good stuff

  3. I really wanna find a good carboot near me! Although Scott may not appreciate it if I drag him out early on a Sunday morning so I may have to drag my sister instead hehe. I love the typewriter. I have a typewriter that was my Grandad's. It's even been customised so that it has a Spanish ñ on it because he used to use it to write letters home!

  4. Wow you did get some bargains! Love the dress, totally something I can imagine you in!
    I was going to go carbooting today but got far to drunk last night to even think about getting up at 7. And i was staying in someones house half an hour away from my house haha. I am going to one next week though!
    One of my favourite buys have to be a brand new pair of esperdrilles from Topshop with the tags on for a £1. They were £15 in the shop. I wear them all summer!

  5. such great finds, a carboot to me is like primark, i always see other peoples bargains but go myself and become faced with a sea of oversized pants etc

  6. These are such lovely finds! The typewriter is amazing :) My mum used to have one but unfortunately it broke, I would love to have it displayed somewhere! :)

    Maria xxx

  7. Wow! You got some great buys. And you definitely left the best for last. Mint green, love.

  8. Haven't managed to get to a boot sale as there is only 1 near me and you have to drive :(
    You're finds are so great. Love the typewriter, it a great colour. You are so right about the more expensive items, they are still a bargain for what they are!
    Great blog. X

  9. Love your typewriter! About ten years ago I got one in a charity shop and loved it. Goodness knows where it has gone!


  10. Wow, you got some amazing things! The typewriter is perfection - how lucky is that?! Bet the person trying to sell for £60 didn't have much luck!

  11. wowww. what a haul! :D
    love the camera especially ;)
    Rosie xo

  12. That typewriter's gorgeous! The haul in general is amazing, I miss car boots when I'm at uni and can't get out to any!

  13. That wee print has been hanging up in my work forever! I like that you have one too.

  14. I am so jealous of your finds. That typewriter is absolutely gorgeous and I adore how bargainous that dress was. Lucky duckling!

  15. So many good finds, I'm jealous of your bargain hunting skills!

    I haven't been to a car boot sale in ages, that's one downside to living in the centre of a city. I will have to do some research and find a good one nearby!

  16. I am jealous of everything you bought!! That typewriter is a fricking steal!


  17. Looks like you got some great stuff. That print is pretty cool. I really like it!
    And the dress is so perfect! I love the peter pan collar.

  18. Great finds! I'm not allowed to buy cameras at bootsales any more because I went through as phase of bringing one home every week. Mr Thrifty had to put his foot down.
    I really like that dress and swoon, swoon, swoon at the typewriter.

  19. £3 for that typewriter! Its amazing!!
    Great finds!

  20. I'm completely lacking on the car-boot knowledge front, i'd need a little guide about the do's and don'ts!! Love that camera though sarah - i'm always always searching for them in charity shops, i've got a couple of plain old film ones that i've never used...time to bring them out methinks! x

  21. I would not have been able to pass any of those up either! Marvelous finds.


  22. Wow this is one fine car boot - where did you go?

  23. that peter pan collar dress is PERFECT!! such a classic classic classic dress that is surprisingly hard to find. What a lucky find for 2 pounds! well done



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