Friday, 22 April 2011

I am young, and I am lost, every sentence has its cost.

Because it's suddenly turned so warm, the idea of wearing black tights seems crazy. I've spent the last week feeling so hot that I don't think I'll ever be cold again, seriously. But, really, it was only a few days ago that I was shivering away in my hosiery. Et voila, a dress.

It's funny, as I bought this a few years ago, when I didn't really 'do' dresses. It kind of kicked off the entire love affair. We could hold this dress responsible for this entire feature!

I wore this to the Matalan press day last week (which I'll be posting about soon). I love this dress - it's one of my go-to outfits, especially when I don't know what to wear, don't know what everyone else will be wearing, and just want to wear something that's nice but comfortable, that could see me through from 9am to 3am.

Dress, belt, boots - New Look
Nails - Top Turquoise by Model's Own

If it's a little familiar, it's the sister of this dress and this dress - remember I said I loved it so much I bought it in three variations? Meet number three. It has a hole in the waist that I hide with a belt, and I really should give it up (or attempt to patch it) but instead I prefer to stay in happy denial, and fondness of this perfect, yet slightly flawed little dress.

I hope everyone is having a lovely bank holiday weekend - I booked Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off work too so I have holidays until May!! I have lots of catching up with friends and family planned though - and have scheduled in lots of lie-ins around all the little jobs I have to doo. Yay for holidays! What are your plans?


  1. Ive found the same thing , I feel really wierd wearing black tights in this weather but then I think what else can I wear . You look very pretty :)xx

  2. Such a lovely dress, it suits you so well!
    Oh and I love all your Maximo Park titles hehehe

    xx Iris

  3. I love love love this dress. I'm big on bare legs right now but its taken me a long long time to persuade myself to show my legs off bare so wouldn't try and persuade anyone else! xx

  4. That is a great dress. I love finding an item of clothing that changes the way you think about dressing.


  5. I've got a wonderful New Look dress I bought from eBay and I'm on the look out for another going cheap so I can deconstruct it and use it as a pattern to make one! Luckily said dress is loose-fitting and not too complicated so it should be fairly easy to do...

  6. I'm still stubbornly wearing my black tights, I'm quite attached...what would we do in winter without them?! This is a really pretty dress x

  7. im taking advantage of sticking the black tights at the back of my draw whilst i can! you look lovely. hope you enjoy your time off work! xx

  8. I wore bare legs for the first time last night and it felt to strange!
    I have been having to wear tights for wor and I was baking! Just cant believe how hot its been!

  9. lovely dress! you look so cute. enjoy your time off :) xx

  10. My holiday plans are pretty similar you you - some much needed sleeps and pottering around!

    I lvoe the dress on you - such a nice pattern.

  11. You look so pretty! I am going to be eating a massive meal with my family and then moving back up to uni...

    Maria xxx

  12. All my clothes have holes in them! I loathe to get rid of anything but have no skillz to repair them. It doesn't bother me, but my mother is rarely impressed! x

  13. I have a rule where I won't bare legs until at least June, no matter how hot it is! (unless I am abroad). Deffo need to get some fake bake on my pale legs!

    Your dress is pretty, and reminds me of your blog's background. Lovely and pretty! x

  14. I have firmly shedded the black tights now - liberating! ahh!
    And you look lovely as always - I love those dresses that you can come back to time and time again. x

  15. shedded? I meant shed. Oh dear..


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