Thursday, 29 September 2011

30 Before 30

In exactly 10 months, I will turn 30 years old.

(Which is odd, really, as I both do and don't feel nearly 30. It's awesome when people say I look like I'm in my early 20s, but I'd hate to still be as uncertain and insecure as I was back then. To be honest, I think 30 SEEMS old, but when you're actually staring it in the face, you're really not as changed as you'd expect to be.)

Anyway, I intended to do this just after my birthday and didn't get round to it, but I didn't want the year to pass without putting together a list of things I'd like to achieve before this landmark age!

I did some googling when I was putting this list together, and came across some great lists - like this one from the awesome A Thrifty Mrs, and this 'sow your wild oats' one from the Evening Standard. Oh - and this ridiculously offensive one by the Daily Mail. Yes, I will be quitting texting, wearing trainers and skirts above the knee as of July 29th, I wouldn't want to appear unseemly (oh, Daily Mail. Do go fuck yourself.).

1. Read 50 books.
Honestly, I'd rather say 100, but lately I'm struggling to read at ALL. So. Fifty.

2. Buy a Filofax.
Filofaxes seem responsible and grown-up. Therefore, it is time to buy one and attempt to be an organised adult. Yep. Also, they're pretty.

3. Pay off my overdraft.
Even as I write this I'm thinking it won't happen. But it's really not that hard, right? (Apart from how it is. I like buying THINGS.)

4. Go somewhere amazing that I've never been before.
One thing that has changed in the last 10 years is that 'hot weather' is no longer my number one requirement for a holiday destination. I'd love to go to Japan, or Thailand, or Australia... just somewhere INCREDIBLE.

5. Reach my goal weight.
Even if I don't STAY there, I'd like to be back here again at least one more time before I'm old.

6. Move out.
Living back with my parents has always been a temporary measure to save some money before the next big step - but it's ever so comfortable here (and CHEAP). I just need to make sure I don't get TOO comfortable.

7. Get my dream hair colour / get hair professionally dyed.
Because I've moaned about it for long enough. It's time to take ACTION.

8. Empty my 'eBay' box.
Well. It's more of a giant stack. It must be GONE.

9. Learn to use my camera properly.
Taking a photography class would be a start.

10. Complete Couch to 5k.
Because my ability to run is shocking.

11. Try 10 cocktails I've never tried before.
I am up to this challenge. Who wants to help?

12. Watch 5 classic films I've never seen before.
List TBC but will include The Godfather and Stand By Me. I KNOW.

13. Successfully make meringue / macarons
The key word here is SUCCESSFUL.

14. Own a pair of designer sunglasses.
Any volunteers? *starts drawing up 30th birthday list*

15. Visit The Fat Duck.
I’ve been DESPERATE to go for the longest time.

16. Do Race For Life.
I've always meant to, it's totally time.

17. Read Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre.
I KNOW. I promised my friend Anne I’d add them to this list. (Note: these do not count as part of item 1)

18. Cook a roast dinner without help.
I can’t believe I’ve never done this!

19. Buy a party dress made entirely of sequins. (And, y'know, lining.)
Totally inspired by Susie's LFW outfit - I can just PICTURE it! But I want a PROM dress. And I want to wear it on my birthday.

20. Learn to make 30 different cakes.
This sounds both challenging and delicious.

21. Watch the sun rise.
I’m genuinely not sure if I’ve ever done this before or not. But I SHOULD.

22. Have a facial.
I can’t believe I’ve never had one. SHOCKING.

23. Go abroad for a long weekend.
Oh, EasyJet. This is why you exist. (My heart is crying out for Barcelona or Amsterdam.)

24. Buy a Chanel lipstick & nail polish.
Maybe this would inspire me to actually WEAR lipstick! I’m so curious to see if Chanel nail polish is much better than OPI.

25. Sing 'Wuthering Heights' by Kate Bush at karaoke.
I didn't say I'd sing it WELL.

26. Watch 5 TV series I've never watched/completed.
List TBC but will definitely include Battlestar Galactica, Six Feet Under & Twin Peaks.

27. Brew my own alcohol.
This sounds DANGEROUS. But kind of awesome?

28. Finish my website.
Which I’ve been trying to do for freaking years, even before I changed the domain!

29. Print at least some of the photos I have on my computer and put them in frames and albums.
I can’t believe how terrible I am at this. I have so many beautiful empty photoframes, too!

30. Implement a proper skincare routine
Which means something more complex than just using the cheapest makeup removing wipes that Boots sell.

I've started a page on my blog to update this - I'll let you all know how I'm getting on over the next almost-year! If you fancy helping me with any of these, I am open to it. I have quite a few assistants already for 11 and 20 though. :)

I also need to come up with an AMAZING theme for my 30th. I know, I know, it's not until July but still, no shame in preparing early. Currently '50s' is my back-up theme but I don't think it's quite right. Help me come up with something incredible, awesome and intrinsically ME, please?


  1. Do you have a vodka revolutions near you? If so get some friends together and do their cocktail masterclass, most fun I have ever had and you get about 4/5 cocktails each!

  2. I love this post! Good luck with ticking it all off :)


  3. No way in hell are you nearly 30! I refuse to believe you xx

  4. good luck with reaching these goals! :)

  5. Woweee, you do not look nearly 30 missy! Good luck with your list! :) xx

  6. This is fab, and I will totally help out with the whole cocktail situation. And the Fat Duck - always wanted to go there! x

  7. Wow what a fantastic list!

    I think this is a great idea, and I can't wait to hear about the outcome of them all!

  8. I would love a dress made of sequins :) trying the cocktails sounds like a great idea! I should make one of these lists! x

  9. I love #25! That is something I've been trying to psych myself up for, too. Good luck!

  10. Good luck with everything and you really haven't changed much since 21.

    30 is no big deal at all. I recommend going away somewhere...I went to Vienna with a couple of friends, which was somewhere I had hankered over for ages. I had a ball. I can honestly say my 30th year was amazing.

    Totally recommend Twin Peaks and Battlestar Gallactica btw (remake of B.G yes?).

  11. Erm when I say 30 is no big deal I mean don't worry about it being "old". That's just bullshit.

  12. I love this list! I can't believe you're going to be 30, you definitely don't look it (in a good way). Good luck with ticking everything off. x

  13. You've just totally blown my mind!! You don't look anywhere near 30!!

  14. I love this list! I especially love that it began with 'oh, Daily Mail. Do go fuck yourself.'. I sang Wuthering Heights at went down in history for all the wrong reasons (although obviously when I was singing it I thought I sounded amezzin).

  15. Love this list. I totally learn to love/sing at kareoke 'wuthering heights' well before I read the book! x

  16. First up, no way are you nearly 30. No way.

    Secondly, I reckon with a bit of skillful planning you could bosh several of those in the one weekend. European minibreak, treat yourself to Chanel goodies in duty free, read one of those books on the plane, try out some foreign cocktails. Easy, no?

  17. I've made a list too but am too scared to post it. Bit daft but worried if I openly admit some they won't happen - mad mind!

    Anyway ours aren't too dissimilar! I would say you should make the Fat Duck happen! I went last year and had the best day of my life - seriously it was awesome!!

  18. 30 is a great age! And you're almost here! You should totally get an all-over sequin dress btw--it's impossible not to feel super glamorous in it! :)

  19. I love this list! I would add own a pair of designer shoes on to it too rather than sunglasses though :) Chanel lipstick is amazing, not been as impressed by their nail varnish though tbh... I also hope you document your cake making! You will be a busy bee between just the baking and reading! Haha.

  20. I will DEFINITELY help with the cocktails! You could do a party where you come dressed as a cocktail- could be very funny!

    Maria xxx

  21. I think you're totally looking at your hottest now! Bearing 30 is clearly suiting you!


  22. Ooh spooky. I turn 30 the very day before you and can't decide whether to be totally fine or completely distraught about it. I never thought of a 'Turning 30 bucket list' type thing before. What a great idea! xx


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