Thursday, 22 September 2011

I'm so fierce that it's so nuts, I live to be model thin.

Saturday was my second time at London Fashion Week - the first was last year, with Mariana, to take some pictures for the Sketchbook blog. Which was lovely, but this year I was going as 'me' - which was a totally different experience. I got my own pass! WITH MY NAME ON IT AND EVERYTHING.

Yep, the little things excite me. I really didn't know how it all worked this year, so I applied for tickets REALLY late, but the lovely people at Jasper Conran sent me an invite to their show anyway, because they're nice like that. It was standing, but I managed to get a seat in the end. I brought the wrong lens, so my photos are TERRIBLE. Here are some.

The show was good, but if I'm honest, not really my thing. The designs were beautifully structured, appearing simple with neat little details you wouldn't expect like cool back straps and hip-high splits. But I couldn't shake the feeling that if you weren't a size 6 and 5'10, you wouldn't be able to pull them off. However, I did see Kirstie Allsopp on the front row! And Curtis from Misfits! And these other two attractive ladies who are probably very famous - and if not, thoroughly gorgeous (any clues?).

The best part, though, was hanging out with bloggers. I popped into London after work for a lovely Friday dinner with some awesome bloggers. It was awesome to FINALLY meet Michelle - we've been talking to each other pretty much since we started blogging! Plus, Hayley, Carrie, Jazmine, Kristabel, Jen, Winnie, Lily, Gem and Vicki were there too - and the evening ended with most of us in Jen & Vicki's hotel room, ten of us piled upon the double bed, gossiping away (and my girl Amy came along, too!). But when I came back in on Saturday, it was a little scary going along without any set plans, and only one definite invite! I quickly met up with Jazmine, Vicki, Kristabel, Reena, Susie and Dina and so didn't feel lonely at all.

From top to bottom: Jazmine, Vicki, Jazmine again, some people I don't know, Vicki again, Kristabel

I couldn't get over how exhausting just one day of LFW was - and I only went to one show! But it was a great experience, and I hope I can come back next year.

BUT. I wasn't impressed with the way bloggers were treated - we had our own tiny area (about four seats!), away from the rest of the press (I made it into one press area, and it was really just an indoor seating area - it's not like there were some amazing facilities they were saving for the big shots!) and we weren't allowed the tote bags. I know it's not all about the freebies, but I was looking forward to having my own 'Look where I went!' memento, so was a bit gutted about that, but bloggers were strictly not allowed them (which was especially irritating when you a) saw the giant piles behind the check-in desk; b) see how many went up on eBay after the weekend - 'real' press abuse freebies too; c) know how much tote bags cost to produce, especially in bulk (clue: not a lot). It just seemed rather elitist, if I'm honest, and unnecessary.

I just think that if the LFW organisers have a problem with bloggers coming along, they should be more selective about who they accept - I'm far from a 'big name blogger' and my blog is more high street than high fashion - but it seemed like anyone who pre-registered correctly for a press pass got one. And if the designers - the lifeblood of LFW - don't have a problem sending tickets out to bloggers, then it doesn't really seem like it's the place of LFW to decide who is and who isn't allowed 'special treatment', you know? Bloggers didn't even get lists of exhibitors. And the staff working were often downright rude. I would like to see more shows, but yeah, it does make me think twice about going back.

I hope that rant doesn't come across as massively self-important - like I said, I don't consider myself very important at all! But a bit of consistent treatment would be nice. (And a tote bag, so I could put my uncomfortable heels somewhere at the end of the day.)

PS - Sorry for the radio silence this week - time has just vanished! I'll be back tomorrow with my LFW dress.

PPS - I'm SO excited - the diet & fitness blog I write for, Where Are My Knees has been shortlisted for a Cosmopolitan Blog Award! Ahhhh! Vote for us, would you?


  1. SO so good to finally meet you Sarah (: In a sad act of determination, I tracked back through my followers list/widget to find you, and you were in fact my sixth blog follower, after myself (just reinforcing the sad act...!) and family members haha. The Jasper Conran show looks lovely, although I won't be sporting one of those headbands any time soon ):

    I didn't like the whole press vs. bloggers debacle this year either, it felt like we weren't welcome at all - so why give us passes... - but I DID manage to nab a tote by some stroke of luck haha. I hope they sort all this stuff out for next season, we give 'em free publicity! x

  2. I really like your honest opinion on it all, and I do think you're right when you say that maybe they should have been more selective if they were going to choose who gets the special treatment. Hate hearing that people were rude, i'm sorry to hear that bloggers were treated this way :(

  3. Love this post! I think it's crap how they were treating everyone, I heard a few people on twitter say that the staff were being arsey with them too. Fab photos, it would be amazing to have a pass with my name on it, I would frame it :D xxx

  4. I'm really gutted to hear how all you lovely girls were treated, like you said, if they have that big an issue with bloggers attending then they should make use of their application system properly. PAH.
    Anyway, it was nice that you got to meet everyone, glad you all made a party out of it! :) x

  5. Wonderful pictures; so sad to hear the way you were treated. xoxo

  6. Glad you had a nice time. Sorry to hear about the way you were treated. Were there meant to be freebies in the tote bags?? I got one and all it had in it was a schedule and exhibition list. Never mind.
    It must be so fun meeting up with all those lovely bloggers! I saw Gem's video and LOVED it! :) x

  7. How odd! I got a tote bag when I picked up my press pass. I did four days and about 10 shows so I was exhausted by the end xx

  8. i totally agree with what you have said, we really were treated badly - the man at the door on the second day was so darn rude towards us! i wouldn't consider myself as press, but i do think bloggers deserve a little more credit. hopefully it will be better next season! x

  9. Your photos are great, but it's such a shame the way that bloggers have been treated has marred the whole thing.

    I don't really fancy next fashion week simply because it will be February and if I'm not allowed inside I will definitely die from the cold!


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