Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Goodnight, travel well.

I can't believe how busy this summer has been. June - and Italy - seems like such a long time ago! It's gone so fast though, which may be why it's taken me this long to go through the rest of my holiday photos.

I loved Italy. I think that’s been pretty obvious. I don’t think I’ve ever been somewhere before where I got home and started looking up the price of flights back straightaway (£50 return in October! LET’S GO!).

We only got to spend a couple of days in Florence, and didn’t actually SEE all that much – we didn’t go into any museums or cathedrals because we didn't want to spend all our time queueing – but I adored it. The restaurants are divine – the wine is SO CHEAP – and the shopping is out of this world.

Gelato every day. YUM.

I’m only half joking when I talk about going back towards the end of the year, because the markets are so fantastic that I really think I could get all my Christmas presents sorted in one fell swoop. Our hotel was about a minute from where the market starts – Hotel Eden, by the way, I really recommend (no frills, but friendly, comfortable and reasonably priced) – and I was like a kid in a candy store the whole time. Or a shopaholic in a bag store. SO MANY BAGS. As you guys know - remember Terence?

PS - I nabbed the above photo and that awesome gelato shot from my friend Russ - check out his flickr!

PPS - I made a Facebook page for my blog. Like it, would you? I'll be adding more Florence photos up there, too!


  1. Great pictures! You look like you had a really fun summer :) I'd love to go to Italy so i'm rather jealous!


  2. Ah, owl bag!!! You know how much i love owl bags! <3

  3. Italy looks so divine, thanks so much for sharing pictures from your trip with us. That gelato, holy god, it looks so decadent - all the food looks good.


  4. Oh I *love* Florence! It's an amazing place, definitely worth going back and doing a few museums/cathedral (you can get tickets in advance). The view from the top of the Duermo is incredible. And the ice cream! Best holiday ever.

  5. Wow! It looks stunning! I love the evening time shot of the lights in the water.
    I can't wait to visit Italy when I'm older (we're trying to get all the far flung places out the way first!) but it looks beautiful :)
    That owl bag is possibly the best thing I've ever seen

  6. Oh man. That ice cream picture. TAKE ME. x

  7. Owl bags, gelato and Italy, this is pretty much what the inside of my head looks like, haha! I wish I could have visited Florence, it's definitely on my list of placed to visit :)

    maria xxx

  8. That coffee looks scrummy

  9. Such lovely photos and oh my, that coffee look amazing. !

  10. Italy looks so beautiful! I've never been, but am hoping to go next summer, along with a whole host of other places ;) Ooh, and one day, I'll be able to do one of those fancy coffee froth designs... high ambitions in life, I know(!)

  11. Florence looks beautiful! Italy is the one country I've always promsied myself I'd go to!
    Sirens and Bells

  12. I want to go back so, so much. Did you make it to Pisa when you were there? We had the most gorgeously sunny day wandering around there. It rained lots when we were in Florence though :(

  13. Lovely pics! Looks like you've had a wonderful summer makes me feel bad for just sitting on the sofa...!

    Annest X

  14. I love how in almost every pic I see of you, you look like your having fun. Its infectious too!

  15. gorgeous pictures! I've wanted to go to Italy even since school had an Italian day in year 10....won some plane tickets a while back via work, but only for short haul so have been tempted to go. This has made me even more sorely tempted to hop on a plane right now!

  16. You are killing me with that Brie and wine, I am massively craving cheese now...

    Also, Terence is something of a hottie! xx

  17. absolutely breath taking post girl. probably my favourite of yours yet - the pictures are AMAZING. I went to italy in july too lol, and didnt want to come back. it's like a magical, enchanted place. just too beautiful.

  18. You have such beautiful Pictures! Your blog is sooo alive- I love it!

    Please follow me on


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