Monday 5 September 2011

An idea: The Bloggers Breast Cancer Awareness Raffle.

I’ve had a couple of emails pop up recently from the Breast Cancer Campaign, as October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. We normally have a Wear It Pink day at work (this year we are debating having a pink buffet – although I’m not sure how much ham I can eat before I start feeling sick) but I was pondering ways in which I could do something of the blogging persuasion to help – not just raising awareness but raising funds, too.

I had a bit of an idea, and if you want to get behind this charity too, I’d love your help… to organise an ONLINE RAFFLE.

I’ve never seen an online raffle before – initially I thought of an auction, actually, but people tend to bid low and drop out when it gets too high, and unless the prizes are phenomenal, they don’t tend to do that well. But a raffle just might work. People would pay for a number, just like usual (perhaps via JustGiving?), and then go into the pot to win lots of great prizes. And then all the funds from tickets go to the charity.

We could promote the raffle on our blogs throughout October, raising awareness AND funds, then draw the winners at the end of the month.

But I need HELP, people. Primarily, I need to get some prizes together. I’m hoping we can get some brands to donate products and vouchers, but I need volunteers to help me contact them. Or if you are a brand or run your own small business (Etsy shops etc. are welcome) and want to donate, please get in touch.

(I'd rather not have secondhand stuff, really - with normal raffles there's always loads of old books and half used toiletries left at the end - people don't really want to win that stuff... although vintage is a different story, obviously.)

And then, of course, I need all the lovely bloggers reading this to spread the word. And buy raffle tickets. Lots and lots of tickets. And get your friends to buy tickets, and their friends (and families, colleagues, random passers-by…).

If you've got any ideas, please comment, tweet me or email me. I've started a hashtag for Twitter - #TBBCAR (The Bloggers Breast Cancer Awareness Raffle) - I really want to get this off the ground!

What do you think? Are you in?



  1. I would definitely be in to help:) Althouh I'm not sure companies would want to listen to me, there's never any harm trying:) Just let me know what I can do. And of course I shall spread the word. x

  2. I think this is a fab idea! I would donate a hand knitted scarf (pink of course).

  3. sarah, this is a fab idea and i am so totally IN! :) if you need any help, do let me know :)

    K ox

  4. This is a great idea! I'd like to donate something handmade - I've been rather quiet on the blogging front recently and it'd be great to get back involved (I'll have a think about exactly what!), especially with this :)

  5. This is a fantastic idea! I may not be much help, but I shall certainly spread the word! xx
    Sirens and Bells

  6. Sounds like a great idea! Not really sure what I can do to help but I'll definitely buy raffle tickets and shout about it :) x

  7. I'd love to help if I can, great cause and doing something a bit different sounds good to me.


  8. Amazing idea! I'd do anything I could to help.

  9. Great Idea! Would help and support it however I can! x

  10. this is an amazing idea! ill support in any way I can :) xx


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