Friday 15 June 2012

But I'm a first rate forgetter.

There was a point, maybe a year ago, when posting a picture of a SRS BZNZ dress would have been a whole theme for the week. ‘Look GUYZ! I can be SRS BZNZ too! LOLZ ETC’ but not so much now. I kind of am SRS BZNZ these days. I keep doing all these things that are ‘grown-up’ like looking at houses and getting promoted and doing presentations and organising conferences and making the effort to watch more classic films and finally finishing Wuthering Heights. But this is currently one of my most SRS BZNZ of dresses. I did, in fact, wear it to do a presentation to like 200 people (turns out presenting is surprisingly okay! Finally I am over the memory of trying to read a poem to assembly when I was 6 years old, getting freaked out, crying and having the headmaster read it out instead. It was a very good poem, though. About a skeleton.) and I think everyone appreciated that I had brushed my hair and didn’t look like I had fallen out of bed.

The last time I did a post like this I did this whole thing about looking SRS BZNZ (I cannot believe how many times I have written SRS BZNZ in this post. Oh look, there’s another one.) whilst also still looking fun and awesome, in my polka dot jacket and red dress, neither of which I wear as much as I would like (because the red dress has a weird black mark on it that even the dry cleaner couldn’t remove and the polka dot jacket really only goes with the red dress) but today I am going to talk about how it is possible to look SRS BZNZ without brushing your hair! Well, I say talk about, more ‘admit’ because, yeah, I have not brushed my hair, just scraped it into a ponytail and chucked loads of hairgrips in it. It looks okay! This is because curly hair WANTS to be messy, so you just have to embrace it. This is why I haven’t straightened my hair in like two months. Straight hair is so neat! My hair doesn’t want to be NEAT!

I did brush the fringe though. I’m not an ANIMAL, come on.

Dress – Closet via Dorothy Perkins
Wedges – Primark (can anyone find me some shoes IDENTICAL to these? And these, in fact? They are so scruffy yet oh so comfy.)
Necklace – Gift
Nails – Model’s Own Beetlejuice Aqua Violet

Anyway, this dress (and this one, which is actually identical, just a different colour) are extremely good officewear for the English summer, partly because they are smart enough that if you don’t brush your hair no one notices, partly because they are a decent length to wear with bare legs or nude tights, but also because they are that thick stretchy material that is sometimes called ponte, sometimes ponti, and sometimes ‘that thick stretchy material’. That’s what I call it. So they’re quite warm! And when you work in an office with over-enthusiastic air-con users AND window-openers, you need to be warm.

I am sure I should have committed to the SRS BZNZ thing by wearing glasses and looking disapprovingly at you over the top of them, but if I do that with my glasses, I would not be able to see you, because my eyesight is so bad that I get free eyetests. Also, I look horrible in glasses. I hate you, hipsters with your cute faces and trendy glasses you don’t need! SWAP EYEBALLS WITH ME.


  1. I LOVE how many times you wrote 'SRS BZNZ' in this post!
    This is a gorgeous dress x
    Sirens and Bells

  2. The ability to look smart without brushing your hair is definitely a good thing to have when work is SRS BZNZ!

    These wedges look similar maybe?,brand

  3. Oh Sarah I don't think there's a dress of yours I don't NEED in my life. Looks like you've done it again!

  4. That dress is perfect for summer officewear - I love it! It's funny how when I first started work I felt like a was dressing up in a costume, to look like I meant business, and now it's just natural!

  5. Haha I know what you mean about over enthusiastic air conditioners! Think it's one of the downsides of working with menopausal women ;-) I have quite a few 'ponte' dresses too for work for similar reasons - can keep your legs cool, layer up with a cardi but keep your torso just right.

  6. I was like, what is SRS BZNZ for quite a while there before I realised. Love the hair, I can't even remember the last time I straightened my hair.

  7. Lovely dress, I need some summer appropriate officewear, so I will keep an eye out for dresses like this... well done on your presentation though, I would have been FAR too nervous!

    Maria xxx


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