Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Laughin' straight to the bank.

So, this week I have to basically put down every penny I own on a rental deposit for a house. It is exciting stuff, yes! But it is also REALLY expensive and all it is making me want to do is shop, shop, shop. Because I can't. So, instead of packing, I've been spending my evenings scouring the internet for pretty things that I'm not allowed to spend any money on.

Nobody said I was logical, okay?

So here I am on the Bank Fashion website, staring at the dresses. I always come back to the dresses, but gosh darnit, they are such damn pretty dresses. Can I have them all, please?

Written in collaboration with Bank Fashion, but do I need an excuse to ogle dresses?


  1. Oh wow, I love the polkadot dress! So pretty!
    Congratulations on the house :) x

  2. I love the navy peter pan collar one!
    Well done for putting your deposit down! They are expensive but renting your own place rocks =)

  3. I love the pink strapless number! Hope you have a good time in your new house :) xxx

  4. Argh I WANT THEM ALL. :'( I guess I'll live in a box for the next decade! x

  5. The orange striped one is bloomin' gorgeous, I want it! All the polka dot ones are lovely, too. XO

  6. Congratulations! I love the first dress, I can definitely see a space for it in my summer working wardrobe. x

  7. They're so pretty! I'm skint too, so therefore want to shop more. Very irritating! x
    Sirens and Bells

  8. After seeing this post and all those gorgeous dress, I am glad to it is payday tomorrow. yays!

  9. never heard of bank fashion before
    off i go to browse it. love the stripey navy blue one
    liloo/@tsunimee xx


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