Tuesday, 12 June 2012

We make plans for good times.

So, here's the thing about me. I LOVE organising events. I am obsessed with stockpiling my favourite ideas for my future wedding, which is kind of sad as I am single. But it's not really about being desperate to get married (although it'd be nice), it's about organising that epic party.

So, until the wedding of the century does happen, I have to take my chances where I can find them. And remember this? Well, it's NEXT MONTH. And celebrating hitting the end of my third decade is the perfect opportunity to plan a flipping awesome party.

But what to do? I have spent about a year trying to think of the perfect theme. It's hard! When my best friend chose a penguin themed party, I was kind of jealous - not because I want a penguin themed party myself, but because it was a theme that was just so HER. And it was perfect - everyone embraced the theme and it was one of the best nights I've ever had. But for me - I wasn't sure. I toyed with a 50s theme, Alice in Wonderland, a Masquerade Ball, a Glitter Party... but nothing quite clicked. Until I was out on a walk last week and it came to me:

And suddenly I was full of ideas! FULL, I tell you. And everyone else coming was also full of ideas! IT IS THE PERFECT THEME. It is literally all I'm talking about right now (see, I am basically treating it as a wedding to MYSELF) and I can't keep it off the blog any longer. So here is my current party wishlist:

I'm imagining glasses of (probably lethal) punch, complete with these retro straws.

Circus food - popcorn is a must.

As is candy floss.

And moustache cookies, because all ringmasters have moustaches, right?

Cupcakes! So many ideas for cupcakes, dressed up in big top-themed cases.
God knows I love an excuse to wear a top hat.

The circus skills tent is always one of my favourite parts of Glastonbury, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to buy these!

It's okay though - it's all on eBay, and everyone knows that Paypal money is not real money...


  1. I love the idea of a circus themed party! Hope you have lots of fun planning everything. x

  2. I love these theme, I too love organising, the next event I'm doing is a friends baby shower.....can.not.wait! xxx

  3. Love Love Love! This is so cool! I'm currently planning my 18th party and I have no ideas at all zilch!

  4. Love the design of your invitation :D I love planning a party too, it's just paying for everything which is annoying! But you do get presents in return. I'm jealous of your friends who get to go to this epic party! xx

  5. You need to get your arse up here and pick up your birthday present, missie :D

  6. Love the idea, such a cool theme! x

  7. Circus? Best theme ever!! My last "landmark" birthday was my 25th which I spent in pizza hut because it was too much hassle to plan anything else :3

  8. The invitation is fantastic! Love it.
    And a great theme. Particularly like the idea of top hats.

  9. Amazing - I love a themed party and am pretty jealous of all the fun you'll have planning this! x

  10. I could not love this more! It is the perfect party theme, you can do so much with it, and you will look so fab in a top hat!

  11. This sounds like the perfect party theme!

  12. Amazing, amazing theme...I can't wait to see what you wear :) make sure you take lots of photos! Kinda jealous, I want to come!

    allaboutthegirlblog.blogspot.com xx

  13. Oh that sounds brilliant! I hope you're going as the ringmaster.

  14. I hope you wear a red sequinned dress and a top hat, best theme EVER!

    Maria xxx

  15. Ahhh you are going to have such an amazing birthday! Circus is just the perfect theme! Agree with Maria's thoughts on clothing too!

  16. This is totally you. I cannot wait to hear all about it. Enjoy the party and the fun bit of organising it.

  17. "everyone knows that Paypal money is not real money." - I love that someone else has the same thought process as me :D
    It's the perfect theme, I hope you have a blast.
    R xx


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