Thursday, 6 December 2012

Christmas Gift Ideas Week, Day 4: PHOTOGRAPHY

More and more frequently I fall back on photography as a gift idea, for multiple reasons:

1 - I have a pretty decent camera, and know how to press the button and stuff.
2 - I have a whole bunch of photogenic relatives.
3 - It's cost effective...
4 - ...yet personal.
5 - And you can fall back on it as often as you like.

Having a pair of siblings with a whole brood of cute kids makes this job very easy. I'm normally snapping away at family gatherings anyway, so it's not a big effort to stick the photos in a frame.

Last year I grabbed ten minutes with my niece to do these photos - we literally shot them against the living room wall whilst my sister was in the kitchen, unaware. I made them black and white in Photoshop, bought a frame from Wilkinsons, et voila:

Awesome AND adorable.

Also, for the last couple of years, I've also got my sister canvas prints. These two photos of her beautiful babies are now pride of place on her wall:

(I called in a favour from a printer buddy, but you can get them from Jessops!)

I'm planning on giving my brother this clock from Paramount Zone. You can put lots of photos in it of whatever you want. I love the idea of planning the photos around the time of the year - winter pictures at the top, summer at the bottom. Nifty, right?

You can also add the personalised touch to a bag with Clippy, like this - I still love my tote bag from there!

Finally, if you just want to keep things simple, I do love a pretty photoframe. Here are a whole bunch:



  1. I reallly like the idea of giving something like the clock, but alas, I am so bad at photography.

  2. I love giving photos as gifts. As you say it's personal and kind to your purse. :)
    Canvas wise, I find hunting around for sites that have deals on when you sign up to the newsletter (got 30% off one!) saves money.
    Those photos you've included on your sisters kids are beautiful, such cuties.

  3. I agree with everything you said. I like the clock. Never seen one before. Perfect gift for my sister. Thanks for sharing a helpful post.

    Holiday Cottages


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