Monday, 31 December 2012

In the navy.

I haven't bought a lot in the Christmas sales, but I couldn't resist a trip onto the Dorothy Perkins website. Last year I got three dresses for just £15 each (one, two, three) and was hoping lightning would strike twice. It actually kinda did! I picked up three dresses again, each at just £17 each. Slightly more than last year, but still a total bargain though - and I had a £20 Arcadia giftcard, to boot!

I wasn't sure about this navy dress when I tried it on for the first time, but when I dressed it up and snipped off the belt loops, I realised I loved it. It's a fabulous length and I adore the neckline, plus the skirt is so spinny! It's my favourite kind of dress in that I could wear it anywhere - work, day, night - it's all good. And it's stretchy and doesn't need ironing. And - AND - it's not a high neck! Why are all dresses high necked, lately? A lot of my favourite dresses are high necked, and I like the dresses, but constantly think that if they were scoop necked, they'd be a lot better and more flattering.

Dress - Dorothy Perkins | Jacket - Red Herring at Debenhams (featured here) | Tights - Primark
Belt - Topshop | Necklace - Benita Blue | Bronx Low Boots c/o Spartoo

A navy dress is one of those essentials that I actually did not have, shockingly. Now that school is but a distant memory, I realise how much I love navy - like black, it goes with everything, but the colours blend in a more subtle way. I love it with these maroon tights, and on Christmas Day I wore it with red tights and a red belt. So pretty! I'm also completely infatuated with these shoes. Brogues just don't suit me, unless you slap a GIANT heel on them and then I am all for them. Yay.


There's still lots to be had at the Dotty Ps sale - alone with my navy dress, I also bought it in teal and this pretty berry-coloured number. LOVE the sleeves. Have you bought any amazing sale bargains? God, I love sales.


  1. I love it when you post about dresses, I have very similar tastes, I also hate a high neck.....people seem to think its because I want to flash my breasts but when you have big ens a low neck is so much more flattering. I think the berry coloured dress is my fave I'm trying to resist shopping though xxx

  2. That dress really suits you. Love the purple tights and shoes... I wish I could walk in heels! xx

  3. Looking as lovely as ever Sarah! I love it paired with that gorgeous jacket!

  4. Love this dress, the colour is beautiful. x

  5. I am so with you about the high necks this year :( Please retailers and designers......spare a thought for us apple shapes or ladies with boobage, high necks are hideously unflattering for us. Must we be denied the pleasure of a new dress :(

  6. I love this color blue on you. I have been noticing that about dresses too, I personally find lower necklines way more flattering myself too (and not just because I am addicted to showing off my ... assets). Spinny skirts are the best too btw.


  7. Love this dress, I need so more like this so thanks for linking!

    Maria xxx


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