Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Super Awesome OMG Giveaway Week (Day Two)

It’s that time again, people…

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Today’s giveaway is kindly sponsored by Witch Skincare. I posted about them earlier in the year, but it’s only in the last couple of months that I’ve really started using all their products. I swear, my skin has never been better. I've discarded my old favourite face scrub (which I'd used for about ten years!) in favour of the Witch one - I don't think I've had a spot since I started using it! Their makeup is also fabulous – I’ve been wearing their primer, tinted moisturiser and pressed powder all summer so far, and can't wait to try out their new liquid concealer.

So, while we're on the subject, the lovely ladies at Witch have given me a pack to give away featuring their entire new makeup range - Redness Relief, Pressed Powder, Liquid Concealer, Primer and Tinted Moisturiser. PLUS 9 runners up also get a Liquid Concealer - so ten of you can win a prize here. Oooh!


  • You must be a follower of this blog. Yep, I’ll be checking!
  • Include your email in the comment.
  • Giveaway will run for ONE WEEK, closing Tuesday 2nd August 19:00 GMT
  • Winner will be selected using random.org
  • UK entries only.
  • Winners will be announced Monday 8th August.


  • Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin (please let me know which)
  • Leave a comment letting me know what product you are most excited about trying from the range and your email address
  • For an extra entry, either tweet or post to your blog something along these lines: Fancy winning a bumper pack of @witchskincare goodies? Enter @essbeevee’s giveaway at http://bit.ly/nAAIxU (if you tweet AND blog it – that’s two extra entries! But please note you must comment too.)

Good luck!!




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Another fab giveaway - what a birthday week you're having! Would love a shade suitable for fair skin.
    Leanne x

  4. Entered!
    Followed by GFC and also tweeted (@gemmabellfield)

    I'de like the light shade please :)


  5. I'd like to enter please! (I take it we're allowed to greedily enter all of them?!)

    Email address eliabethhamer23@gmail.com, and I'd like the light shade concealer.

  6. Yayy aren't you Miss Generous! I'm excited about the anti blemish redness relief! My skins a nightmare at the moment.

    My e-mails nikki_mad4it@hotmail.com

    If anyone's interested in a foody blog - www.http://chefchipmunk.blogspot.com/

    x x x

  7. hi this has come at the right time for me as i am suffering a breakout :(

    i follow with GFC and my email address is
    thank you :)

  8. oh i forgot i would like the primer please..........

  9. I've used witch's solid concealer for ages and it's really brilliant so I would love to try out their new stuff!



  10. Another lovely giveaway! :D
    I'd love to try their pressed powder, I'd imagine it's really nice :)
    My email: sparklerosedesigns@live.co.uk

    Fiona x

  11. I WANT TO TRY IT ALL! My skin has gone rubbish of late. I imagine it's the heavy drinking. xx

  12. I'm most excited to try the skin clearing primer.

    Follower via Google Friend Connect :)



  13. I'm most excited to try the primer, my skin could do with being a bit clearer! I follow on both sites, tweeted (@_SarahColeman_) and posted a link on my blog.


  14. Think i'm most excited about the skin clearing cleanser as my skin really has been terrible lately.
    I follow you on both sites, email: holol88@gmail.com x

  15. OOOHHH Enter me!!!
    I'm pretty excited to win any of their make up, I honestly did not realise Witch made make up!
    I think if I had the tinted moisturiser I would wear it forver!

    Thanks for the fantastic giveaways going on this week :)
    Love your blog :)


  16. oooohhh....so many lovely things! I'd have to plump for the tinted moisturiser...as I find its always my base that causes bad skin for me when I wear makeup.

    I'm so good that I follow you on both sites, and I intend to tweet and blog about your fabulous giveaways!

  17. Perfect timing, my forehead has decided to give a home to a bunch of spots :(
    I like the sound of the redness relief moisturiser, I get such red cheeks :(
    I follow via GFC :) Email: sirens-and-bells@hotmail.co.uk
    Sirens and Bells

  18. enter me please! i've been wanting to try the witch primer for ages now, i just keep forgetting to pick it up when i'm out!
    don't wanna put my email on a public comment as i get so much spam as it is but you know it anyway :) xx

  19. Moisturizer! I need a good one :)


  20. I'd be most excited to try the pressed powder. Shiny face is my burden in summer so I'm always on the hunt for a new one :0)

    (follower via Google friend thingamy)

  21. Ooh I love the sound of the redness product. I'm a ruddy cheeked type, I'll try everything AND anything.

    I'm a follower (GFC) and my email is athriftymrs at hotmail.com

  22. Oh have been wanting to try this range for ages and I have a HUGE spot on my chin right now :(

    I'm looking forward to trying the pressed powder the most, as mine has nearly run out!

    myneonlights@hotmail.com xx

  23. I'm most excited to try the tinted moisturiser :)
    GFC: Joy
    Email: dearjoy[at]live.co.uk

  24. I'd love to try the skin primer :)

    (I'm using google connect and my mail is macarenacpATgmailDOTcom)

  25. I follow through google connect.

    I've been wanting to try the primer for ages but I haven't got round to buying it.

    Have tweeted too,


  26. Oooh I'm definitely most excited about the primer - my benefit one is on it's last legs and I can't afford to replace it atm...time for a change!

    I follow you on gfc already lovely :)



  27. Second attempt - me me me! The skin clearing primer please! Email - abrokenstarr@gmail.com

    For the longest time the t didn't come up on my phone, making it 'day wo', which I approve of...

  28. oooh your birthday giveaways are fab!

    im a follower :)

    kirstydotburton @ hotmail.co.uk

  29. Following via GFC (jade hewitt)

    I'd love to try the redness relief moisturiser

    email: j.hewitt4468@gmail.com

    I tweeted about your giveaway at:

    fantastic giveaway

  30. Great giveaway! I follow via GFC and would be most excited to try the pressed powder as it's a product that I apply multiple times each day to control my shiny skin.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. love to try the anti redness moisturiser! I follow as luxiehoney on GFC and tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/luxiehoney/status/95930802549964800 :) xxx

  33. Oh my this excites me so much as my skin is crappo at the moment :(
    Following on blogger and bloglovin.
    I shall tweet also :) (@DonnaMK)
    Deffo most excited about the tinted moisturiser... I don't wear foundation so would be nice to use!
    Donnamadeleine@gmail.com xxxx

  34. Wow, another awesome prize. I'm a follower with bloglovin and my email is whereisharriet@hotmail.co.uk

  35. Great prize !

  36. Enter me please..
    gfc - tinker_bell1990
    tweeted from @charli008
    I have everything else apart from 2 but I really want to try the tinted moisturiser!

  37. Please enter me :)
    followed via google friend connect, really want to try the primer to see if its as good as all the other witch products! also tweeted about it aswell! brilliant give away :)
    fiona_cleaver@hotmail.com xx

  38. woops forgot to mention i have blogged about it aswell here: http://beautyisoskindeep.blogspot.com/2011/07/witch-skin-care-giveaway.html xx

  39. Enter me please!

    I'm most wanting to try out the witch concealer - people keep raving about it lately!


  40. Enter me please, bird. I follow on GFC. AND I WANT THE TINTED MOISTURISER. Fanks x


  41. Please can I enter lovely :)

    I'd definately be interested in the moisturiser or primer most! My skin has been playing up a bit recently and am looking for new products to try and sort it out.


  42. Ohhh, I love the sounds of the Redness Relied product! Goodness knows I need some relief for my redness, hah.

    x Michelle | thefeatherden.net

  43. Enter me please!
    I'd love to try the primer, witch skincare is wonderful for my skin!
    I follow using gfc - shashibiscuits(@)gmail.com

  44. I have the tinted moisturiser and I love it - would love to try more of their range! Have tweeted link (@NicsNotebook) and am following via GFC as Nicola (@NicsNotebook) xx

  45. I'm following your blog thru GFC, I'm a new follower (spider girl) :)
    I'm most excited about the primer and pressed powder
    Email: techiespidergurl at gmail dot com
    I've tweeted about your giveaway here:


  46. Looking forward to the concealer as I'm yet to find one that's perfect for me!

    Following on GFC, hello@thissarah.com

  47. Oh, my! AMAZING!

    I am on a constant search for decent tinted moisturiser, so that's the one I want to try the most.

    I'm following with Google Friend Connect.


  48. Oh i'd love to enter

    GFC: Jenna Suth
    Most excited about the tinted moisturiser!
    I tweeted too :) http://twitter.com/#!/JennaSuth24/status/96232272533012480



  49. Oh dude, I'd be excited about trying ANY of these products! The primer in particular. My skin has been so odd lately, and any form of makeup seems to just sit on top and not fare well with my face at all :( I think I need a better skincare routine, so Ive got a better, clearer base for whatever makeup im going to use! I'm such a powder fiend too (CONSTANT SHINY FACE!) so it would be interesting to see how good that is too :) enter me please? :) xx

  50. My GFC is iamnotarobot & email is chloepower@live.com
    I'm most excited about the primer, I think!

  51. oh i really want to the concealer!! 10 chances to win :D x


  52. I LOVE Witch! They're utterly amazing, I used to use their facial wipes and cleanser all the time until i became a superskint mummy!
    I follow via GFC, and my email is amiifitblr[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk xoxo

  53. Please enter me, I would love to try some of their products. Heard so many good things!


    I tweeted too!


  54. My skin is terrible at the moment so I'm up for giving anything new a try! A good tinted moisturiser would be very handy though as I don't tend to bother with full foundation cos it feels like too much makeup.

    I'm a follower and it's oddsocksandprettyfrocks@hotmail.co.uk

  55. Id love to win this, heard loads of good things! I think I'd most like to try the primer, I ran out of my other one ages ago ut haven't got round to getting a new one!

  56. i do like the witch liquid concealer i won recently, i would like to try a tinted moisturiser too, as i don't like too much make up for just days at work..

    i follow on GFC my email address is dinoprincesschar@gmail.com, and i tweeted too, @dinoprincesschr

  57. Liquid Concealer, cuz I never tried one!And I heard some good things about this brand!

    gfc:AnamarijaT, mail:marisssa86(at)gmailDOTcom

  58. I would love to win this fab giveaway!

    I follow you on GFC as Kris Beauty

    I follow you on Bloglovin'

    The product I'm most excited about trying is the Witch Liquid Concealer

    I tweeted about this :

    Email : mybeautytags@gmail.com

  59. I've been looking for a tinted moisturiser this summer, foundation is making my skin dry and I'm not sure what to do! So I would most like to try that. I'm also a big fan of liquid concealers so would love to try the Witch version.

    I follow on GFC and my email is laura.mary.coyne@googlemail.com xx

  60. wow, the primer looks pretty good to me, but maybe the concealer to hide my spots?!
    sallylara@hotmail.co.uk & i follow by GFC

  61. This is amazing! Would love to try the Tinted Moisturiser but it all looks fab.
    I follow you through google friend connect & my email address is rebeccasvintageromance@gmail.com

    Rebecca x

  62. again, forgot to add my email address...can I claim getting over excited at the prizes?

  63. I love witch stuff and swear by their primer. I would love to try the tinted moisturiser as I have already tried the rest of the make up range


  64. Bloglovin, superdelux@hotmail.co.uk

    I think I am most excited about the tinted moisturiser - it would be good to know that when I used it that I was actually trying to combat spots rather than encourage them with make up!


  65. I have heard such good things about Witch, please enter me! :) xoxo
    I follow via GFC

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