Monday, 12 November 2012

Freaks and geeks.

Hayley did a post a while ago about the tools she uses as a blogger, and it got me thinking about my own. I mean, technically you could blog from anywhere, as long as you have an Internet connection, but I never feel like I'm at optimum blogging level without the big three: camera, iPhone and laptop.

I've written before about my camera & my editing techniques and photography in general, so have a read if you're interested. I think decent photography is a pretty important tool to outfit pics, and I'm always happiest as long as I have my Nikon, my remote and my tripod to hand. Helpful friends help too - Sha is very used to me whispering 'Will you take a picture of my outfit?' haha.

My iPhone 4s is essential to blogging. Oh, and my entire life. (The Carphone Warehouse is currently offering them on all networks, if you want one, and I bet you do.) I am so reliant on that little rectangle, it's a bit scary. I'm basically never bored if I have my iPhone on me - Twitter, Facebook, actal books... oh, it's brilliant. It also means I can keep up with the admin around blogging wherever I am. Heck, I'm even writing this post on my iPhone as I walk to my mum's! Look:

When I go to blogging events, I tend to just hop on the train to London and THEN check my emails again to see exactly where in London I'm going, and look it up on my map. For a last minuter like me, it's perfect. I also have a terrible sense of direction, so having what's basically a sat nav in my pocket at all times is very, veeeery useful. I can also find those blogging event emails easily, as I have a separate email address that my blogging emails go to, which I can access through my iPhone too.

I'm a bit OCD so I like using my own computer where at all possible, with all my geeky subfolders and decent photo editing software. I always use Photoshop to edit my photos (I've written about that here) and generally write my posts in NotePad, for two reasons: 1) it doesn't add weird coding like Word does, so I can paste everything into Blogger without worrying about what it will look like and 2) I can save as I go, so if my computer crashes I don't lose anything - I'm sure we've all had the internet crash when we're halfway through putting a post together in Blogger!

I also always upload my picture via FTP to my own webspace - I like having the control over exactly where it's saved, what it's called, etc. Also, it's quick and easy.

I mean there's no major science to it - it's just how I work best, what's easiest for me, etc. I don't use fancy iPad apps (or even an iPad) - I just write, take photos and plonk them all together. But I find it interesting to know how others do it - what's your favourite blogging tool?

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  1. I love posts like this, it's great being a bit nosey about how others blog.
    I've just got an ipad, and am finding this fantastic for blogging and writing...and playing piano.

  2. I definitely agree with this, but I'd have to add in my tablet as well. It's so easy to read and comment on blogs on the go, I'd be lost without that and my iphone! xo

  3. I don't have a decent camera at the minute, still saving up for one, so my iphone is a must for the camera, for writing and for everything else :-)
    Lianne x

  4. Couldn't live without my DSLR, I absolutely love it. I also use the Poladroid application to give a Polaroid effect to my weekly Rock The Week images. I used to use a Polaroid 600 but film is so expensive that I can't rationalise using it every week, plus I find the new Impossible Project film a bit hit and miss. x


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