Monday, 26 November 2012

Ho ho ho.

Hooray for Christmas! It's an excuse to go shopping ALL THE TIME. I love shopping. It doesn't matter if it's for me. In fact, it's almost better if it's NOT - no guilt, far more acceptable, happy unselfish feeling of giving.

Anyway, I'm almost done with the Christmas shopping now because I'm one of those unbearable freaks who is crazy efficient (I just said! I love shopping!) and have become QUITE the shopping ninja. In and out. Like a machine. Or a... no. Like a machine.

Even though Amazon and the like have been my saviours, I have had to venture out to get a few bits - giftwrap, secret santa presents (seriously, go to Wilkinsons! I got a whole bunch of stuff! Nice stuff!) and gubbins, and I've been suffering with carrier bag wrists (you know, when you get those attractive red welts) and bruises from boxes banging into my legs. Most of the injuries happen when I'm trying to wrestle my credit card out of my wallet, inevitably spilling most of my bag onto the floor of Topshop, tampons and all.

So I think I'm going to take the advice of this little video and get one of those gizmos so I can pay with my phone, because as the worrying dent in my little finger tells me, I cannot put that little bundle of smartphone joy down for a second. So that would totally work for me. How are you coping?

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  1. Everyone *does* love a panda, it's true ;)

  2. Wilkos definitely has some gems in there. I've only just started my shopping so got quite a way to go. :) x


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