Saturday, 24 November 2012

When the moon hits your eye

On this miserable rainy day, it seemed fitting to share some more pics from my Italian holiday back in September! One of the things we were keenest on about Lucca was that it's a pretty small town, and so getting to the station was pretty easy, which meant we could do day trips easily. As always happens, we had grand plans, but only managed two, and one of those was on the way back to the airport! But I was happy to see Florence again, although pretty much devastated that the full market wasn't on (I was hoping to get another awesome bag). It was just as pretty as I remembered though, and I had the best gelato of my life at Caffe Dell Carrozze. Peanut butter. Oh my god.

We also had some INSANE pizza at Pizzeria Toto. It doesn't look like much, but the tomato sauce was perfectly spiced, the cheese of the finest quality... seriously, my eyes are rolling back in my head right now as I remember how good it was. Epic.

I really recommend Florence if you haven't been - it's a pretty quick and cheap flight from England, and although a lot of the hotels are pretty no frills, that really didn't matter when we stayed last year. I would LOVE to go again.

That trip I mentioned on the way back was Pisa - we wanted to see the tower, of course! It was perfectly fine to do on the way back to the airport, though - the tower is very cool, but it doesn't take THAT long to see. I was mostly amused by all the tourists. Have you ever seen this picture? It's totally photoshopped, of course. But these aren't. (And yet the tower still leans.)



  1. Ah I've always wanted to go to Italy. The only thing that puts me off is how expensive everyone says it is once you get out there. Now i'm working full time hopefully i'll have enough money to finally do it!

  2. Great pictures! Now I want a pizza... xx

  3. great pictures. defo making a note of those places to go and visit. sounds amazing. x

  4. Love these pictures! I've been to Italy twice, but I've never visited Florence. Hopefully some day!

  5. amazing pictures! stunning x

  6. Amazing pictures, this really makes me want to go back to Italy. x

  7. THAT'S AMOREEEEE!I want to go back to Italy!

    Maria xxx

  8. I really want a holiday now :( x


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