Friday 16 November 2012

Warm this winter.

Above: Law, Amy, Maria, Me

I love Tesco's blogger events - there's always the maximum opportunities to do all the things we bloggers love the most. Nibble yummy food, gaze at pretty clothes, gossip ceaselessly and pose for silly pictures. The most recent was no different - we were also encouraged to try on the clothes out for our perusal, which led to this:

GOD I NEED THAT JUMPER. The above, I feel, should really be a joint Christmas card sent out by Amy and I, to confuse our non-mutual friends and amuse the heck out of us. I WASN'T KIDDING ABOUT THIS ONE AMY.

As seems to be traditional, we ended up trying on all the kids accessories. I kind of dig Amy's ghoulish clips. And, well. Any excuse to act out a Mean Girls scene.

I'm a CAT. Duh.

Ridiculous photos aside, the Christmassy clothing drop for Tesco is to die for. I'm already stalking the website for the reindeer jumper - seriously though, it's so rare to find a non-oversized Christmas jumper. I don't SUIT oversized. And I want the one above. Amy's too, actually.

I know, I know, it's not too like me to be rhapsodising over a jumper, so to put us all squarely back in our comfort zone, here are my top picks of the dresses on the Tesco website at the moment (and also to make up for how all of my clothes pictures from the event came out terrible). How pretty?

I'm thisclose to ordering that last dress. It would look stunning with these Blink heels from Spartoo, wouldn't it? God, I love matching.


  1. The polkadot dress top right is very pretty! Good old Tesco clothing.

  2. The reindeer jumper! Oh, the reindeer jumper! I need it!

  3. Oooh, the reindeer jumper is fab, I'm not surprised you're stalking it!

  4. I want my jumper now :( LET'S DO THE CHRISTMAS CARDS. We could send them to Hayley and Mia?


  5. Those jumpers are amazing and they are such beautiful dresses!¬

    Maria xxx

  6. Loving those retro Christmas jumpers : )


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